Source code for presc.copies.examples

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from presc.dataset import Dataset

[docs]def multiclass_gaussians( nsamples=3000, nfeatures=30, nclasses=15, center_low=2, center_high=10, scale_low=1, scale_high=1, ): """Generates a multidimensional gaussian dataset with multiple classes. This function generates a multidimensional normal distribution centered at the origin with standard deviation one for class zero. And then adds an additional gaussian distribution per class, centered at a random distance between `center_low` and `center_high`, and with random standard deviation between `scale_low` and `scale_high`. Parameters ---------- nsamples : int Maximum number of samples to generate. Actual number of samples depends on the number of classes, because the function yields a balanced dataset with the same number of samples per class. nfeatures : int Number of features of the generated samples. nclasses : int Number of classes in the generated dataset. center_low : float Minimum translation from the origin of the center of the gaussian distributions corresponding to additional classes. center_high : float Maximum translation from the origin of the center of the gaussian distributions corresponding to additional classes. scale_low : float Minimum value for the standard deviation of the gaussian distributions corresponding to additional classes. scale_high : float Maximum value for the standard deviation of the gaussian distributions corresponding to additional classes. Returns ------- presc.dataset.Dataset Outputs a PRESC Dataset with the generated samples and their labels. """ class_samples = int(nsamples / nclasses) # Create class zero drawing samples from a `nfeatures`-dimensional normal # distribution centered at the origin and with a standard deviation between # `scale_low` and `scale_high`. scale = np.random.uniform(low=scale_low, high=scale_high) t_pred = scale * np.random.normal(0, 1, (class_samples, nfeatures)) df_pred = pd.DataFrame(t_pred) df_pred["class"] = 0 # Create additional classes centered at `m` with standard deviation `scale` for i in range(1, nclasses): # Generate a normalized vector in a random direction v = np.random.normal(0, 1, nfeatures) v = v / np.linalg.norm(v) # Generate a random distance from the origin to define the center of each gaussian alpha = np.random.uniform(low=center_low, high=center_high) m = alpha * v # Generate a random scaling for each gaussian scale = np.random.uniform(low=scale_low, high=scale_high) # Generate normally distributed random samples for this classs t = m + scale * np.random.normal(0, 1, (class_samples, nfeatures)) df = pd.DataFrame(t) df["class"] = i # Add class data to the dataset df_pred = pd.concat([df_pred, df], ignore_index=True) # Convert into PRESC Dataset df_presc = Dataset(df_pred, label_col="class") return df_presc