Welcome to Add-ons Servers documentation!
Add-ons Server is the codebase for https://addons.mozilla.org/; the source lives at https://github.com/mozilla/addons-server.
In the past, this project was olympia; documentation that refers to olympia refers to this project.
- Security Bug Reports
- External API
- Development
- Setup and Configuration
- Building and Running Services
- Makefile Commands
- Testing and Quality Assurance
- Data Management
- Dependency Management
- Performance and Optimization
- Localization and Internationalization
- Troubleshooting and Debugging
- Github Actions
- Error Pages
- Style Guide
- Contributing
- Push From Master
- Using the VPN with docker on OSX
- Access Control Lists
- Logging
- Static Files in addons-server
- How does search on AMO work?
- Building Docs
- Waffle
- Remote Settings
- Add-ons Server Documentation
- Authentication
- Logs
- IP addresses
- Third-Party Usage
- AMO Blocklist
- Environments