============= Abuse Reports ============= .. note:: These APIs are not frozen and can change at any time without warning. See :ref:`the API versions available` for alternatives if you need stability. The following API endpoint covers abuse reporting --------------------------------- Submitting an add-on abuse report --------------------------------- .. _`addonabusereport-create`: The following API endpoint allows an abuse report to be submitted for an Add-on, either listed on https://addons.mozilla.org or not. Authentication is not required, but is recommended so reports can be responded to if necessary. .. warning:: Except for the ``message``, all strings have a maximum length of 255 characters and should be truncated by the client where necessary. .. warning:: For ``addon_install_method`` and ``addon_install_source`` specifically, if an unsupported value is sent, it will be silently changed to ``other`` instead of raising a 400 error. .. http:post:: /api/v5/abuse/report/addon/ :`. :`. :`. :`. :` used by the client. Can be either ``firefox`` or ``android``. :`. :`. :`. :`. :>json object|null reporter: The user who submitted the report, if authenticated. :>json int reporter.id: The id of the user who submitted the report. :>json string reporter.name: The name of the user who submitted the report. :>json string reporter.username: The username of the user who submitted the report. :>json string reporter.url: The link to the profile page for of the user who submitted the report. :>json string|null reporter_name: The provided name of the reporter, if not authenticated. :>json string|null reporter_email: The provided email of the reporter, if not authenticated. :>json object addon: The add-on reported for abuse. :>json string addon.guid: The add-on `extension identifier `_. :>json int|null addon.id: The add-on id on AMO, or ``null`` if the ``addon`` submitted was a guid. :>json string|null addon.slug: The add-on slug, or ``null`` if the ``addon`` submitted was a guid. :>json string message: The body/content of the abuse report. :>json string|null report_entry_point: The report entry point. :>json string|null addon_install_method: The add-on install method. :>json string|null addon_install_origin: The add-on install origin. :>json string|null addon_install_source: The add-on install source. :>json string|null addon_install_source_url: The add-on install source URL. :>json string|null addon_name: The add-on name in the locale used by the client. :>json string|null addon_signature: The add-on signature state. :>json string|null addon_summary: The add-on summary in the locale used by the client. :>json string|null addon_version: The add-on version string. :>json string|null app: The application used by the client. :>json string|null appversion: The application version used by the client. :>json string|null lang: The language code of the locale used by the client for the application. :>json string|null location: Where the content being reported is located - on AMO or inside the add-on. :>json string|null client_id: The client's hashed telemetry ID. :>json string|null install_date: The add-on install date. :>json string|null operating_system: The client's operating system. :>json string|null operating_system_version: The client's operating system version. :>json string|null reason: The reason for the report. :>json string|null illegal_category: The type of illegal content - only defined when the reason is set to ``illegal``. :>json string|null illegal_subcategory: The specific violation - only defined when the reason is set to ``illegal``. .. _abuse-report_entry_point-parameter: Accepted values for the ``report_entry_point`` parameter: =========================== ================================================= Value Description =========================== ================================================= uninstall Report button shown at uninstall time menu Report menu in Add-ons Manager toolbar_context_menu Report context menu on add-on toolbar amo Report button on an AMO page (using ``navigator.mozAddonManager.reportAbuse``) unified_context_menu Report unified extensions (context) menu =========================== ================================================= .. _abuse-addon_install_method-parameter: Accepted values for the ``addon_install_method`` parameter: .. note:: This should match what is documented for ``addonsManager.install.extra_keys.method`` in `Firefox telemetry event definition `_ except that the values are normalized by being converted to lowercase with the ``:`` and ``-`` characters converted to ``_``. In addition, extra values are supported for backwards-compatibility purposes, since Firefox before version 70 merged source and method into the same value. If an unsupported value is sent for this parameter, it will be silently changed to special ``other`` instead of raising a 400 error. =========================== ================================================= Value Description =========================== ================================================= amwebapi Add-on Manager Web API link Direct Link installtrigger InstallTrigger API install_from_file Local File management_webext_api WebExt Management API drag_and_drop Drag & Drop sideload Sideload file_url File URL url URL other Other enterprise_policy Enterprise Policy (obsolete, for backwards-compatibility) distribution Included in build (obsolete, for backwards-compatibility) system_addon System Add-on (obsolete, for backwards-compatibility) temporary_addon Temporary Add-on (obsolete, for backwards-compatibility) sync Sync (obsolete, for backwards-compatibility) =========================== ================================================= .. _abuse-addon_install_source-parameter: Accepted values for the ``addon_install_source`` parameter: .. note:: This should match what is documented for ``addonsManager.install.extra_keys.method`` in `Firefox telemetry event definition `_ except that the values are normalized by being converted to lowercase with the ``:`` and ``-`` characters converted to ``_``. We support the additional ``other`` value as a catch-all. If an unsupported value is sent for this parameter, it will be silently changed to ``other`` instead of raising a 400 error. =========================== ================================================= Value Description =========================== ================================================= about_addons Add-ons Manager about_debugging Add-ons Debugging about_preferences Preferences amo AMO app_builtin Built-in Add-on app_global Application Add-on app_profile App Profile app_system_addons System Add-on (Update) app_system_defaults System Add-on (Bundled) app_system_local System-wide Add-on (OS Local) app_system_profile System Add-on (Profile) app_system_share System-wide Add-on (OS Share) app_system_user System-wide Add-on (User) disco Disco Pane distribution Included in build enterprise_policy Enterprise Policy extension Extension file_url File URL gmp_plugin GMP Plugin internal Internal other Other plugin Plugin rtamo Return To AMO sync Sync system_addon System Add-on temporary_addon Temporary Add-on unknown Unknown winreg_app_global Windows Registry (Global) winreg_app_user Windows Registry (User) =========================== ================================================= .. _abuse-addon_signature-parameter: Accepted values for the ``addon_signature`` parameter: =========================== ================================================= Value Description =========================== ================================================= curated_and_partner Curated and partner curated Curated partner Partner non_curated Non-curated unsigned Unsigned broken Broken unknown Unknown missing Missing preliminary Preliminary signed Signed system System privileged Privileged =========================== ================================================= .. _abuse-addon-reason-parameter: Accepted values for the ``reason`` parameter (for add-on abuse reports): =========================== ================================================================ Value Description =========================== ================================================================ damage Damages computer and/or data spam Creates spam or advertising settings Changes search / homepage / new tab page without informing user broken Doesn’t work, breaks websites, or slows Firefox down policy Hateful, violent, or illegal content deceptive Doesn't match description unwanted Wasn't wanted / impossible to get rid of hateful_violent_deceptive Hateful, violent, deceptive, or other inappropriate content illegal Violates the law or contains content that violates the law does_not_work Doesn’t work, breaks websites, or slows Firefox down feedback_spam Spam something_else Something else other Other =========================== ================================================================ .. _abuse-location-parameter: Accepted values for the ``location`` parameter: =========================== =================================================== Value Description =========================== =================================================== amo Offending content is on add-on's detail page on AMO addon Offending content is inside the add-on both Offending content is in both locations =========================== =================================================== .. _abuse-report-illegal_category-parameter: Accepted values for the ``illegal_category`` parameter: ================================================ ================================================ Value Description ================================================ ================================================ animal_welfare Animal welfare consumer_information Consumer information infringements data_protection_and_privacy_violations Data protection and privacy violations illegal_or_harmful_speech Illegal or harmful speech intellectual_property_infringements Intellectual property infringements negative_effects_on_civic_discourse_or_elections Negative effects on civic discourse or elections non_consensual_behaviour Non-consensual behavior pornography_or_sexualized_content Pornography or sexualized content protection_of_minors Protection of minors risk_for_public_security Risk for public security scams_and_fraud Scams or fraud self_harm Self-harm unsafe_and_prohibited_products Unsafe, non-compliant, or prohibited products violence Violence other Other ================================================ ================================================ .. _abuse-report-illegal_subcategory-parameter: Accepted values for the ``illegal_subcategory`` parameter: ================================================ ============================================ ============================================================================================= Illegal category Value Description ================================================ ============================================ ============================================================================================= animal_welfare other Something else consumer_information insufficient_information_on_traders Insufficient information on traders consumer_information noncompliance_pricing Non-compliance with pricing regulations consumer_information hidden_advertisement Hidden advertisement or commercial communication, including by influencers consumer_information misleading_info_goods_services Misleading information about the characteristics of the goods and services consumer_information misleading_info_consumer_rights Misleading information about the consumer’s rights consumer_information other Something else data_protection_and_privacy_violations biometric_data_breach Biometric data breach data_protection_and_privacy_violations missing_processing_ground Missing processing ground for data data_protection_and_privacy_violations right_to_be_forgotten Right to be forgotten data_protection_and_privacy_violations data_falsification Data falsification data_protection_and_privacy_violations other Something else illegal_or_harmful_speech defamation Defamation illegal_or_harmful_speech discrimination Discrimination illegal_or_harmful_speech hate_speech Illegal incitement to violence and hatred based on protected characteristics (hate speech) illegal_or_harmful_speech other Something else intellectual_property_infringements design_infringement Design infringements intellectual_property_infringements geographic_indications_infringement Geographical indications infringements intellectual_property_infringements patent_infringement Patent infringements intellectual_property_infringements trade_secret_infringement Trade secret infringements intellectual_property_infringements other Something else negative_effects_on_civic_discourse_or_elections violation_eu_law Violation of EU law relevant to civic discourse or elections negative_effects_on_civic_discourse_or_elections violation_national_law Violation of national law relevant to civic discourse or elections negative_effects_on_civic_discourse_or_elections misinformation_disinformation_disinformation Misinformation, disinformation, foreign information manipulation and interference negative_effects_on_civic_discourse_or_elections other Something else non_consensual_behaviour non_consensual_image_sharing Non-consensual image sharing non_consensual_behaviour non_consensual_items_deepfake Non-consensual items containing deepfake or similar technology using a third party's features non_consensual_behaviour online_bullying_intimidation Online bullying/intimidation non_consensual_behaviour stalking Stalking non_consensual_behaviour other Something else pornography_or_sexualized_content adult_sexual_material Adult sexual material pornography_or_sexualized_content image_based_sexual_abuse Image-based sexual abuse (excluding content depicting minors) pornography_or_sexualized_content other Something else protection_of_minors age_specific_restrictions_minors Age-specific restrictions concerning minors protection_of_minors child_sexual_abuse_material Child sexual abuse material protection_of_minors grooming_sexual_enticement_minors Grooming/sexual enticement of minors protection_of_minors other Something else risk_for_public_security illegal_organizations Illegal organizations risk_for_public_security risk_environmental_damage Risk for environmental damage risk_for_public_security risk_public_health Risk for public health risk_for_public_security terrorist_content Terrorist content risk_for_public_security other Something else scams_and_fraud inauthentic_accounts Inauthentic accounts scams_and_fraud inauthentic_listings Inauthentic listings scams_and_fraud inauthentic_user_reviews Inauthentic user reviews scams_and_fraud impersonation_account_hijacking Impersonation or account hijacking scams_and_fraud phishing Phishing scams_and_fraud pyramid_schemes Pyramid schemes scams_and_fraud other Something else self_harm content_promoting_eating_disorders Content promoting eating disorders self_harm self_mutilation Self-mutilation self_harm suicide Suicide self_harm other Something else unsafe_and_prohibited_products prohibited_products Prohibited or restricted products unsafe_and_prohibited_products unsafe_products Unsafe or non-compliant products unsafe_and_prohibited_products other Something else violence coordinated_harm Coordinated harm violence gender_based_violence Gender-based violence violence human_exploitation Human exploitation violence human_trafficking Human trafficking violence incitement_violence_hatred General calls or incitement to violence and/or hatred violence other Something else other other Something else ================================================ ============================================ ============================================================================================= ------------------------------ Submitting a user abuse report ------------------------------ .. _`userabusereport-create`: The following API endpoint allows an abuse report to be submitted for a user account on https://addons.mozilla.org. Authentication is not required, but is recommended so reports can be responded to if necessary. .. http:post:: /api/v5/abuse/report/user/ .. _userabusereport-create-request: :`. :`. :`. :>json object|null reporter: The user who submitted the report, if authenticated. :>json int reporter.id: The id of the user who submitted the report. :>json string reporter.name: The name of the user who submitted the report. :>json string reporter.url: The link to the profile page for of the user who submitted the report. :>json string reporter.username: The username of the user who submitted the report. :>json string|null reporter_name: The provided name of the reporter, if not authenticated. :>json string|null reporter_email: The provided email of the reporter, if not authenticated. :>json object user: The user reported for abuse. :>json int user.id: The id of the user reported. :>json string user.name: The name of the user reported. :>json string user.url: The link to the profile page for of the user reported. :>json string user.username: The username of the user reported. :>json string message: The body/content of the abuse report. :>json string|null lang: The language code of the locale used by the client for the application. :>json string|null illegal_category: The type of illegal content - only defined when the reason is set to ``illegal``. :>json string|null illegal_subcategory: The specific violation - only defined when the reason is set to ``illegal``. .. _abuse-user-reason-parameter: Accepted values for the ``reason`` parameter (for user abuse reports): =========================== ================================================================ Value Description =========================== ================================================================ hateful_violent_deceptive Hateful, violent, deceptive, or other inappropriate content illegal Violates the law or contains content that violates the law feedback_spam Spam something_else Something else =========================== ================================================================ -------------------------------- Submitting a rating abuse report -------------------------------- .. _`ratingabusereport-create`: The following API endpoint allows an abuse report to be submitted for a rating on https://addons.mozilla.org. Authentication is not required, but is recommended so reports can be responded to if necessary. .. http:post:: /api/v5/abuse/report/rating/ .. _ratingabusereport-create-request: :`. :`. :`. :>json object|null reporter: The user who submitted the report, if authenticated. :>json int reporter.id: The id of the user who submitted the report. :>json string reporter.name: The name of the user who submitted the report. :>json string reporter.url: The link to the profile page for of the user who submitted the report. :>json string reporter.username: The username of the user who submitted the report. :>json string|null reporter_name: The provided name of the reporter, if not authenticated. :>json string|null reporter_email: The provided email of the reporter, if not authenticated. :>json object rating: The user reported for abuse. :>json int rating.id: The id of the rating reported. :>json string message: The body/content of the abuse report. :>json string|null lang: The language code of the locale used by the client for the application. :>json string|null reason: The reason for the report. :>json string|null illegal_category: The type of illegal content - only defined when the reason is set to ``illegal``. :>json string|null illegal_subcategory: The specific violation - only defined when the reason is set to ``illegal``. .. _abuse-rating-reason-parameter: Accepted values for the ``reason`` parameter (for rating abuse reports): =========================== ================================================================ Value Description =========================== ================================================================ hateful_violent_deceptive Hateful, violent, deceptive, or other inappropriate content illegal Violates the law or contains content that violates the law something_else Something else =========================== ================================================================ ------------------------------------ Submitting a collection abuse report ------------------------------------ .. _`collectionabusereport-create`: The following API endpoint allows an abuse report to be submitted for a collection on https://addons.mozilla.org. Authentication is not required, but is recommended so reports can be responded to if necessary. .. http:post:: /api/v5/abuse/report/collection/ .. _collectionabusereport-create-request: :`. :`. :`. :>json object|null reporter: The user who submitted the report, if authenticated. :>json int reporter.id: The id of the user who submitted the report. :>json string reporter.name: The name of the user who submitted the report. :>json string reporter.url: The link to the profile page for of the user who submitted the report. :>json string reporter.username: The username of the user who submitted the report. :>json string|null reporter_name: The provided name of the reporter, if not authenticated. :>json string|null reporter_email: The provided email of the reporter, if not authenticated. :>json object collection: The collection reported for abuse. :>json int collection.id: The id of the collection reported. :>json string message: The body/content of the abuse report. :>json string|null lang: The language code of the locale used by the client for the application. :>json string|null illegal_category: The type of illegal content - only defined when the reason is set to ``illegal``. :>json string|null illegal_subcategory: The specific violation - only defined when the reason is set to ``illegal``. .. _abuse-collection-reason-parameter: Accepted values for the ``reason`` parameter (for collection abuse reports): =========================== ================================================================ Value Description =========================== ================================================================ hateful_violent_deceptive Hateful, violent, deceptive, or other inappropriate content illegal Violates the law or contains content that violates the law feedback_spam Spam something_else Something else =========================== ================================================================