Open Web Fellows: Year 1 Report

The open Internet is in danger.

Around the globe, the Internet’s defining characteristics — openness, freedom, potential for innovation — are under threat.

How? Monopolies are growing in influence, with a handful of tech giants acting as gatekeepers to access and information. Walled gardens are increasingly shepherding users to corners of the Web where content is tightly controlled and carefully curated. Mass surveillance by governments and profit-motivated companies is becoming routine. And ill-advised Internet legislation is emerging on several continents, endangering net neutrality.

As these threats proliferate, the open Internet’s potency and vibrancy diminish. Free expression online suffers. Democratic discourse becomes rare. The Internet’s egalitarian nature wilts. And breakthroughs in the fields of science, health, and other sectors become less common.

To address these threats and protect the Internet as an open, public resource, we need a new breed of advocate: individuals with a technologist’s savvy and an activist’s zeal. We need advocates who can stand up for critical issues like privacy, inclusion, and literacy online. We need advocates who can build tools, communities, and public awareness about digital freedom.

In 2015, Ford Foundation and Mozilla launched the Open Web Fellows program to foster just this type of advocate. We set out to build an international leadership initiative that embeds bright and passionate technology talent at leading NGOs and civil society organizations, with one goal: protecting the open Internet.

“We need to make sure that the rights we have fought so hard to achieve are upheld and strengthened in the digital space. And we need to make sure that the people who are working to challenge inequality have the tools and infrastructure they need to do it well.”

Jenny Toomey, Director of Internet Freedom, Ford Foundation

Publication Aim

The Ford-Mozilla Open Web Fellows program provides a leadership pipeline for individuals eager to defend the health of the open Internet. This report is a documentation of and reflection on that undertaking. It serves as a record of the program’s genesis and first year, articulating impact and accomplishments.

This report also chronicles lessons learned, and how they can be applied to future Open Web Fellow cohorts.

Data in this report was gathered through candid interviews with Fellows and host organizations; reflections from Mozilla leadership steering the program; and analysis of application data.

For questions relating to this report, contact Open Web Fellows Program Manager Vanessa Rhinesmith at