Games that Teach the Web | Color Picker Snake Game Challenge

CC-BY-SA by Mozilla

45 minutes

Learn how about color HEX codes and RGB values through a game and then use the color codes you collect to change the color on a webpage using CSS.

Web Literacy Skills

21st Century Skills

Learning Objectives

  • Use hex codes and rgb values to remix the colors of elements on a webpage.
  • Find the best color combinations available from a constrained design palette.


  • 13+
  • Beginner web users


  • Internet-connected computers
  • A wide assortment of colored pencils, crayons, markers, or other coloring tools
  • Paper
  • Earbuds or headphones
  • A collection of magazines or other full-color print media that learners can cut and paste for the alternate offline activity.
  • Printed copies of an HTML color chart for the alternate offline activity that can be kept or laminated for reuse
  • Printed copies of a phone template for the alternate offline activity.
  • Glue or tape for the alternate offline activity
  • Scissors for the alternate offline activity