Make Your First Webpage | Make Your First Webpage
60 minutes
Build your very own webpage from scratch using the web literacy skills you've picked up throughout the module like code, compose, design, evaluate, share, and synthesize.
Web Literacy Skills
21st Century Skills
21st Century Skills
Communication Creativity Problem SolvingWeb Literacy Competencies
Code Compose Design Evaluate Share SynthesizeLearning Objectives
- Design, code, compose and publish a new webpage.
- Share a website others can remix online.
- Evaluate and synthesize the elements to include in a webpage.
- 13+
- Beginner web user
- Projected instructor computer
- Internet-connected computers
- Thimble accounts
- Markers
- Paper
- Blank webpage design templates, CC-BY-NC-SA by Maria Perez de Arrilucea
- Web Literacy cheatsheet
1. Preparation
Learning Progression
In this lesson, your learners will:
- Paper prototype their own webpages using printed copies of this webpage design template.
- Build their webpages as new Thimble projects.
- Reflect on their learning.
You should...
Make sure you have blank webpage templates and any other design prorotyping tools - like the Web Literacy cheatsheet - that your learners might need to plan and build their own webpages from scratch.
2. Introduction
15 minutesWelcome your learners and congratulate them on reaching the end of this module. It’s time to design and build their first webpages from scratch! (Or from another project if they’re into that whole remix thing.)
3. Offline Activity
15 minutesAs you run through this activity, pause to answer questions, rephrase instructions, and improvise new explanations as needed.
Hand out blank webpage design templates and invite each learner to sketch the webpage they want to make. They can make a grid or paper-prototype a less normalized layout. Share markers and extra copies of the template for learners who might want to start again.
Encourage everyone to design a page they think they can build with the web literacy skills developed over the course of this module.
Provide learners with a copy of the Web Literacy cheatsheet and invite them to use the sections dealing with HTML in particular.
After about 15 minutes of design, ask your learners to join you in Thimble so they can begin building their webpages.
If you don’t plan to use Thimble and would like to finish the module with this paper-prototyping activity, you can facilitate a conversation about each design and ask volunteers to share aloud how they could markup and code their webpages to look like their designs.
4. Online Activity
35 minutesAs you run through this activity, pause to answer questions, rephrase instructions, and improvise new explanations as needed.
Help your learners log in to Thimble to begin new projects for their webpages.
Use the rest of this block of time to help learners troubleshoot design challenges and build toward their webpages.
As learners finish, invite them to take a gallery walk around the room to share their work with peers.
5. Reflection and Assessment
5 minutesEnd the activity with a brief reflective discussion of how webpages are structured. You can collect and assess learners’ responses in other ways, as well, but be mindful to do so in ways that are fair to all of your learners and allow them each individually the greatest amount of expression possible.
- How close did you get to your original design in your webpage? Which parts seems most challenging? Which parts seemed easy or worked right away now that you know more about building a page?
- How can you work online to collaborate, communicate, and problem-solve with others in creative ways?
- Which skills do you think are most valuable to people interested in building their own webpages? Why?
- How will you approach your next webpage differently than you approached this one or other pieces of work in this module?
- What advice do you have for people who want to know more about making their own webpages? Where would you suggest they begin their learning?
Questions? Comments? Suggestions for improvement? Email Chad Sansing, curriculum developer at the Mozilla Foundation.