Randell Jesup
Reviewers: pauljt, baku, bkelly, posidron, ehsan
Considerable additional work could be done validating IPC parameters received by the Master process from Content (and other) processes
More emphasis on Best Practices should be used in IPC work - especially documenting the security aspects in-tree
There is some cruft in our IPC code left over from B2G, though some of it may need to be kept and updated instead of removed
We should consider either moving to Mojo, or mirroring the partially-automatic validation of IPC arguments provided by Mojo
A more in-depth look at how shmem is used might be valuable
Improved automated fuzzing would be good
An audit of 12 semi-randomly-chosen IPC protocols is attached (of ~144)
IPC security is basically ad-hoc, implemented by each IPC protocol implementation.
The basics are that many parts of our system are gatewayed by using Principals, which encode the origin and related information associated with the document. Largely we rely on good reviewers, and that’s more for avoiding sec issues like UAFs.
There are currently many components that send (child-to-parent) a Principal or a PrincipalInfo, but the parent is not really able to know if the child is allowed to use that principal. We should be able to validate what Principals a Content Process is allowed to use with data stored in the ClientManagerService. This is being worked on in bug 1432825 and bug 1432831, though that just covers a single case; resolving bug 1432831 would provide examples on how to do similar argument validation elsewhere.
As an example of Principal validation, when BroadcastChannel is sending a message, it sends the origin and its principal. The check is done on the parent side.
Once we have Site Isolation, the danger when Principle ownership isn’t checked is that if a compromised Content Process (somehow) knows a principal that’s valid in another document, it could pass it up, masquerading as that other document. Without checking if that document is loaded into that Content Process, the Master process will allow the action to proceed with an incorrect Principal. This can lead to all sorts of information leakage or spoofing. (Note: since a current Content Process could be navigating to a new origin, we can’t really stop a compromised Content Process from getting a Principal for a random origin until we have support for process-per-origin (or set of origins) and necessary process switching code for navigations).
The issue isn’t just Principals, however; all arguments must be checked, and where possible validated against what a given sender should be able to use.
In addition to information leakage, crafting arguments for an IPC message can also lead to considerable risk of sandbox escape - sending an IPC request with invalid arguments to trick the Master Process into taking an action that leads to the master process hitting a UAF or other security issue. Luckily, even in this case it’s hard to craft an escape, but this greatly increases the possibility.
Securing IPC code is important. It’s more critical as we move towards site isolation - compromise of a Content Process with 1/4 your tabs (and everywhere you browse in the future in those) is pretty bad, so a sandbox escape is only incrementally worse, but with site isolation a compromised process may be worth much less, unless it can escape.
Firefox IPC guide
Google’s legacy IPC security tips (read for full explanations)
Trust only the **browser** “Master” **(aka “Chrome”) process.**
Sanitize and validate untrustworthy input.
Whitelisting is better than blacklisting
Safely handle known-bad input
Use and validate specific, constrained types; let the compiler work for you
Keep it simple.
Be aware of the subtleties of integer types.
Be aware of the subtleties of integer types across C++ and Java, too.
Don’t leak information, don’t pass information that would be risky to use.
Be careful with shared memory mappings (specifically tracking their sizes on either side of the IPC channel). Do not store and trust sizes on one side of the channel. Avoid specifying the size when calling Map.
(many more in the doc)
Carefully document lifetimes of objects that can receive IPC messages and ensure (and comment in the code) how we know no more messages can be received for an object
Provide guidance on when a Principal should be required for IPC protocols
This primarily applies for info going to/from the Master Process, though as we get a more-complex web of Processes this might be needed elsewhere.
An example where it isn’t needed would be GMP webrtc codec processes, which are inherently per-site already and only communicate with a specific Content Process and webrtc connection within it.
Validate parameters, lengths and existence of any data received from another Process.
It’s less critical to check validity of data received from the Master Process, but even there it may help catch problems and bugs. Also, in some cases, an attacker might be able to leverage a bug in code in the master to cause it to send a bad message (or race) to the Content Process, provoking a UAF/etc in content they can exploit. It’s also possible to attack another non-Master process (Content Process, Extension Process, etc) by having the Master relay messages to it, as is often done in Extensions.
Keep lists of things that are associated with a specific connection/Content Process to do validity checks (perhaps typically a Hashmap)
Be very careful about overflows with data from the Content Process
Where possible, give tokens out instead of raw data, if the other process doesn’t actually need to manipulate or examine the data. This is similar in concept to things like fd’s, but with added validation whenever doing a lookup of a token (again, typically a hashmap, but perhaps not always). The lookup routine is a good place to put ownership checks and enforce their being checked.
Fuzzing - we’ve done this before (fuzzing Pickle/etc). We can probably do more.
Process bi-directional fuzzer in real-time.
Integrated in –enable-fuzzing builds available at TaskCluster.
Fuzzes pickled messages and/or pipe states.
Runs in multiple instances in our fuzzing cluster at EC2.
Upgrade of EC2 instance required which supports HW counters for rr. Important for general test-case reproducibility. There is currently no way to feed a mutated message into Firefox from the outside of the process.
Requires targets (i.e mochitests, test-suite) to trigger individual IPC messages.
We have no way to know if all IPC messages are hit in our testing
We could keep stats on numbers of different IPC messages in debug builds
Meta bug for fuzzing (80+ bugs)
Adding fuzzing for every new protocol would be useful.
Christoph Diehl has a list of improvements for Faulty, and is also looking at how Mojo uses Google’s fuzzer.
Discovering dead/unused IPDL APIs. We’ve had unused IPDL APIs left in the browser that could be used as attack vectors. It would be nice to be able to use automated tools to get rid of such code.
Provide more support for IPC parameter validation
Bug 1430159 - specified validator for specific IPC protocols
Bug 1325647 - Automatic validators for integers generated by the IPDL compiler
Support classes for checking token/principal ownership
Leveraging improved argument checking support in Mojo if we switch from IPC/chromium to Mojo
Add the possibility to mark each IPC method with [principal_needed] or something similar. Maybe that would be nice to be the default for each method. Basically, each method should have a principal or a principalInfo passed as argument. This would be interesting, if we have the possibility to validate which principal is allowed to run on the content process.
We could move to a model closer to the dbus model, where Services are available under Well Known names, and clients can access them safely without worrying about if the target object exists (anymore). This would help remove a common failure case, where due to timing races an IPC request for a deleted object is received.
A form of cross-IPC/process “weakptr”
Possibly rewrite MessageManager (not in JS)?
Examine an example protocol in great detail and document any issues, and solutions (as in bug 1432831)
Use as a guide for looking at others
HTTPChannel Init was suggested (non-trivial, complex)
List all IDPL protocols (~144 ipdl files)
Document all JS users of MessageManager
The key activities that we have done are:
We’ve been through IPDL in an ongoing manner, but most recently the approach we took was here. Summary:
Audit message serialisation (param traits). DONE.See also: Bug and Spreadsheet
Some issues were found
There were a number which were “might be an issue”. The follow up bug was filed by DH but then he left the org.
Audit Recv Methods (look just at the recv function for bugs)
This was an ongoing effort for Jhector before he left
Bugs are filed under https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1041862
The challenge here is that auditing this code is very time consuming and requires an understanding of the code/api in question
Deeper audit diving into where data from recv function goes
We’ve only looked at this level in piecemeal approaches or when hunting for dangerous patterns
We started trying to organise an audit by contacting module owners but had to put this on hold due to the focus on Quantum
I also used some parental leave backfill to get a timeboxed audit of IPDL last year from a contractor (Stephen Fewer). It was only a month though, so very timeboxed.
We’ve been through all the “MessageManager” messages a couple times now, and I’m pretty confident of our coverage here
One exception is nested protocols, e.g. Web Extension message passing
Detailed review notes are here
Some findings tracked under here in bug 1040184
Other sandbox related auditing activities
Audit places where were run remote content in parent process: bug 1305531
Attempt at automatic bounds checking (since this was the most common bug). Bug 1325647
We have (currently) about 144 separate non-test .ipdl files in the tree. Looking in them for “manager XXXXXX”: (This search may be comparable to mine below, but I don’t trust it as much - instances of manager in searchfox)
About 36 managed by PBackground*
About 9 managed by PBrowser
1 PCache
6 PClient*
8 PCompositor*
About 23 managed by PContent
2 PImageBridge
17 PNecko
6 PPlugin*
2 PPresentation
2 PQuota
1 PServiceWorkerManager
1 PSpeechSynthesis
1 PVideoDecoderManager
1 PVRManager
2 PWebBrowserPersistManager
Looking at all the methods inside these ipdl files, there are roughly:
~1284 async IPCs
129 of these as async delete(…)
Perhaps ~15-18 are async DeleteMe/DeleteSelf/RequestDelete
~124 sync IPCs
~19 nested(inside_cpow) (sync and async)
~146 nested(inside_sync) sync IPCs
1 prio(input) async
~10 prio(high) async
Child of PBackground, used between Parent (Master) and Child (Content) processes
Only arguments are the current Timestamp on a Notify, and the timestamp rate (which could change I believe), both sent Master->Child
Exists for the entire life of the Content process; if Content doesn’t need VSync, it tells the Master to hold off on sending it.
The only information exposed through this to the Content process is the VSync rate of the current monitor, and the exact timings of when the VSyncs happen (modulo latency in IPC).
The exact timings might vaguely reveal some aspect of varying load on the Master process, maybe, and then only if the child can somehow time them extremely accurately. I seriously doubt this could be used to convey any significant data even with cooperation of code on the Master side and full control of the Content process (owned).
Child of PNecko of PBackground
PNecko for JS-visible PUDPSocket
Was planned to move to PBackground also (Bug 1167039), but that was deprioritized with the end of B2G
Likely PNecko support could be removed
PBackground for WebRTC ICE network usage
Originally designed to support B2G networked applications, such as Mail
Web content was not allowed to use UDPSocket
All such uses have been removed with the end of B2G
PBackground use was added to support WebRTC’s need to send/receive UDP data and negotiate port usage via ICE (IETF protocol for NAT traversal)
WebRTC doesn’t pass up a Principal - Bug 1126232
Not critical since all web content is allowed to create RTCPeerConnections, which can be asked to initiate WebRTC with an arbitrary address, if (and only if) the target address responds to a STUN message which is used as a “Consent” indicator that the target is willing to exchange WebRTC data.
No other data in the Master process is accessed via this protocol, only the network, so we don’t need the principal to gate it
All traffic on the port is filtered to ensure we see a STUN response before allowing any other traffic
Until we see a STUN response, outgoing traffic is only allowed if the packet is a STUN packet, and incoming traffic is blocked
This is the security requirement of the ICE & WebRTC protocols
All methods are async
From Content to Master, there are a number of methods to set up sockets or modify them
Bind(), Connect(), JoinMulticast(), LeaveMulticast(), Close
These have a number of structures as parameters
WebRTC doesn’t use the Multicast methods, but an owned Content process could send them
The others are OutgoingData() (i.e. send()) and RequestDelete (asks the parent to send a delete message to the child; avoids races)
From Master to Content, they’re all responses to Content IPC’s except CallbackReceivedData() - i.e. incoming data on the port
The only extant use (WebRTC) doesn’t use a Principal
This isn’t important since the it can’t be used to access data keyed by the Principal in the master, just network sockets
Bug is filed (P4)
Can send and receive data to arbitrary addresses
STUN filter avoids content (even owned) being able to try to interact with websites or anything using a protocol not associated with realtime communication (e.g. STUN/ICE)
Avoids using it to bypass other web controls or to try to DoS sites
It can generate STUN packets, but STUN packets are rate-limited to avoid DoS-via-STUN
An owned process could create a UDPSocket channel without passing a filter string (“stun”), but that will cause the parent to fail Init() - it requires all UDPSockets without a Principal to use a filter (and the only valid filter is ‘stun’)
Other than the default IPC read checks (read a string, read a uint32, read a bool, etc), generally there’s no sanity checking of parameters
However, when passed to system calls bad data should be rejected
If there’s an underlying library/OS bug, passing arbitrary data to bind()/connect()/etc could trigger it
Additional sanity-checking of parameters is warranted for belt-and-suspenders security against sandbox attacks
OutgoingData is an array or an IPCStream (not used for WebRTC)
Add validators for AddressInfo, etc per above
Remove PNecko and non-WebRTC support
Unused and non-spec
Lets us remove Multicast support
Cons: disturbs working code, man-hours
[don’t do] Add Principal to WebRTC
Removing non-WebRTC support means we can stop using Principal as a flag – simplifies code in UDPSocketParent
Low priority due to no obvious advantage to having the principal
Con: man-hours, coding risk - we don’t have access to the Principal down in mtransport; API changes would ripple through the stack to get access to it for no known current benefit
Child of PImageBridge or PCompositorBridge or PVideoBridge
Virtual reference to a Compositor resource (a gfx texture), which allows dropping or recycling it
No arguments
No security issues
No recommendations
Child of PNecko
Supports implementing the DOM WebSocket API
Since network resources must be used in the Master process, the Content process’s WebSocket impl is basically an interface to a WebSocket that lives within the Master
WebSocket creation involves many arguments. Once created, there’s two-way communication over the channel, and the ability to close it.
All requests as async
Methods after creation are simple - send data, or receive data, or close.
Master can request client delete itself
Only security concerns here are to ensure that any data sent does not extend outside the memory the script has access to, and to avoid UAFs (especially on close/deletion)
Open() and OnStart() are where most of the arguments are
Open() takes 12 arguments, some of which are structures, OnStart() has 3 strings and a bool
None of these are a Principal
There are both original and triggering principals on the LoadInfo structure, which is passed in LoadInfoArgs (optionally null)
Since it can be null, when converted into a LoadInfo it will succeed and put a nullptr in the nsCOMPtr<>
It includes an optional URI, an Origin (string), and an InnerWindowID
These get passed on the an HTTP(S)Channel AsyncOpen(), since WebSocket is a protocol run over an HTTP(S) channel
Origin is used as a header for the HTTP/HTTPS request, to inform the server what origin URI generated this WebSocket connection request; note that it’s suggested that servers not use this as a form of authentication.
Use on HTTP is as insecure as any HTTP connection, and an attacker could use this to feed bad data or commands (or collect information from) a website that uses HTTP WebSockets, via MITM attacks
Using WebSocket as a TCP tunnel (WebSocket to Server, Server connects it to a TCP connection to some internal or external resource) is dangerous (to the resource), since a compromised Content (or Master) process could craft attacks on that resource.
Document when aLoadInfoArgs can be null, what happens, and what it implies - what will succeed and what will fail.
Modify LoadInfoArgsToLoadInfo() (in BackgroundUtils.cpp) to verify if the principals are valid for the requesting content process/document
Verify that the InnerWindowID is associated with the principals in to LoadInfo
PPresentation (and friends)
Child of PContent (or PPresentationBuilder or PPresentationRequest)
Supports the Presentation API, which allows remotely controlling a presentation using DataChannels or https/TCP
“enable Web content to access presentation displays and use them for presenting Web content”
Originally implemented as part of B2G and perhaps also the TV project
Apparently enabled in Chrome on Android since Chrome 48 (2015), and Chrome 51 (Desktop)
Disabled by default (pref(“dom.presentation.enabled”, false);)
There seems to be little or no checking in the Parent of the parameters and that they’re internally consistent, especially the session ID, window ID, tab ID, etc.
Review comment from smaug unaddressed by updates supposedly to address review – requested the NS_CreatePresentationService() function check if the Presentation API is enabled/permitted
Security review of this code has not been done: Bug 1207051
Find out the priority of completing and enabling this API in Firefox, either for Android or Desktop.
If there’s no interest in enabling it anytime soon, consider if we want to remove it
Alternatively ensure that the IPC methods are gated by the enable pref, so that a compromised Content process can’t try to leverage these IPC methods
Since the API isn’t even enabled, it’s unlikely that the Content Process can provoke any meaningful problems (other than DoS) by sending Presentation API IPC methods to the Master process, but adding a check of the preference or ensuring these methods can’t do anything is a good safety move
Child of PContent
Used to manage unique deviceid’s for media devices (via enumerateDevices, which is speced in W3’s Media Capture and Streams API)
Backed by a file mapping id’s to devices on a per-origin basis
Mapping cleared when you clear cookies (per spec)
Mapping is temporary (not saved) for private browsing
Persistence gated by user permission to use a device
Can cause Parent to access disk (flat file encoding deviceID/origin triples (id, time, and origin)
A compromised Content process could probably look up the device ids for any site, instead of just the current site (if it knows or can guess what sites have called enumerateDevices())
Just a privacy leakage in this case (supercookie), which is mostly irrelevant given then control a content process
Could be blocked if we have Site Isolation
Once we have Site Isolation, verify the PrincipalInfo
Ensure that the Sync & Storage team knows about this file
Child of PNecko
Involved in Necko redirection to data: URIs
Necko code assumes that there’s an IPC channel associated with the redirect
The parent class wrapping the IPC channel largely does nothing
Child of PBrowser
Requests a Color Picker be displayed by the Master (parent); implementing <input type=color>
Uses the IPC Manager (PBrowser) to get the owner element, and thus the Outer Window
No parameters from the Content Process; one method that passes a picked color from the Master Process
Child of PBrowser
Represents one web “page”; it’s used to graft content processes’ layer trees into chrome’s rendering path.
Only one direct method to trigger a repaint by the Master; no parameters
Used to connect Child layout Frames to the Parent
Nothing direct to this protocol; the connection is passed around by a number of other parts of TabParent/Child
Primary security risk would be lifetime management of the PRenderFrameParent/Child objects
Per the ipdl file, the PRenderFrame is conceptually owned by the Content Process, and its lifetime is tied to the PresShell in the Content Process.
Child of PNecko
Implements DNS requests
Most parameters are in the construction request
Passed again to cancel
Results are returned asynchronously once complete
Host and Network Interface are strings
None of the parameters are checked for validity on reception
Relies on existing validity checks in nsDNSService::AsyncResolveExtendedNative() and functions it calls, like PreprocessHostname()
Probably these are well-checked in general. They are (if internal checks are passed) sent to the OS
The ability to specify a network interface might be a subtle risk, especially if we’re trying to route traffic through a VPN interface or proxy.
Child of PBrowser
Implements rendering of a Canvas in the Content Process, and returns the rendered data
Creation is Master->Content - no issues
When rendered, the IPC protocol object is destroyed with the data being returned in the delete() method - size and a raw buffer as an nsCString (though it isn’t really a null-terminated string
This is concerning, since it opens the door to mishandling the data
Depends on DataSourceSurface to avoid going past the real end of the data from the canvas, but nothing checks this
Likely information-leakage bug possible if a crafted attack message is received in delete() (csectype-bounds)
Validate that the IntSize(aSize.width, aSize.height) is not larger than the length of the aData nsCString
As a result of this review and evaluating a fix to implement the above, it was determined that PDocumentRenderer was unused, and it was instead removed.
Child of PBackground
Used to notify the Content process (and gamepad) of Update events
Controllers added/removed
Buttons pressed
Joysticks moved
Used by Content to tell the gamepad to vibrate (haptic feedback)
Parameters are largely numbers (length, intensity, etc) and which controller
Master Process appear to not actually implement haptic feedback (bug 680289)
Parameters for Haptic feedback aren’t checked
Add validation of Haptic feedback parameters (even if we’re not currently implementing it), or add a comment stating it’s needed before implementing it.
Especially check that the index to the controller is valid
There may be an very unlikely information leakage channel if Haptic feedback can be sensed by another Content process (causes joystick “motion”, audible to an active mic, etc); however, exfiltrating data is far simpler in other manners, so I see almost no real risk here