Source code for conftest

import argparse
import datetime

import pytest

from _pytest.doctest import DoctestItem
from _pytest.mark import Mark, MarkDecorator
from cache import patch_cache_set
from aws.client import BotocoreClient
from gcp.client import GCPClient
from gsuite.client import GsuiteClient

import custom_config

botocore_client = None
gcp_client = None
gsuite_client = None
custom_config_global = None

[docs]def pytest_addoption(parser): frost_parser = parser.getgroup("Frost", "Frost's custom arguments") frost_parser.addoption( "--aws-profiles", nargs="*", help="Set default AWS profiles to use. Defaults to the current AWS profile i.e. [None].", ) frost_parser.addoption( "--aws-regions", type=str, help="Set AWS regions to use as a comma separate list. Defaults to all available AWS regions", ) frost_parser.addoption( "--gcp-project-id", type=str, help="Set GCP project to test.", ) frost_parser.addoption( "--gcp-folder-id", type=str, help="Set GCP folder to test. Will test all projects under this folder.", ) # While only used for Heroku at the moment, GitHub tests are soon to be # added, which will also need an "organization" option. Current plan is to # reuse this one. frost_parser.addoption( "--organization", type=str, help="Set organization to test. Used for Heroku tests.", ) frost_parser.addoption( "--debug-calls", action="store_true", help="Log API calls. Requires -s" ) frost_parser.addoption( "--debug-cache", action="store_true", help="Log whether API calls hit the cache. Requires -s", ) frost_parser.addoption( "--offline", action="store_true", default=False, help="Instruct service clients to return empty lists and not make HTTP requests.", ) frost_parser.addoption( "--config", type=argparse.FileType("r"), help="Path to the config file." )
[docs]def pytest_configure(config): global botocore_client global gcp_client global gsuite_client global custom_config_global # run with -p 'no:cacheprovider' cache = config.cache if hasattr(config, "cache") else None if cache: # monkeypatch cache.set to serialize datetime.datetime's patch_cache_set(config) profiles = config.getoption("--aws-profiles") aws_regions = ( config.getoption("--aws-regions").split(",") if config.getoption("--aws-regions") else [] ) project_id = config.getoption("--gcp-project-id") folder_id = config.getoption("--gcp-folder-id") if project_id is not None and folder_id is not None: raise Exception( "--gcp-project-id and --gcp-folder-id are mutually exclusive arguments" ) organization = config.getoption("--organization") botocore_client = BotocoreClient( profiles=profiles, regions=aws_regions, cache=cache, debug_calls=config.getoption("--debug-calls"), debug_cache=config.getoption("--debug-cache"), offline=config.getoption("--offline"), ) gcp_client = GCPClient( project_id=project_id, folder_id=folder_id, cache=cache, debug_calls=config.getoption("--debug-calls"), debug_cache=config.getoption("--debug-cache"), offline=config.getoption("--offline"), ) custom_config_global = custom_config.CustomConfig(config.getoption("--config")) config.custom_config = custom_config_global try: if any(x for x in config.args if "gsuite" in x): gsuite_client = GsuiteClient( domain=config.custom_config.gsuite.domain, offline=config.getoption("--offline"), ) else: gsuite_client = GsuiteClient(domain="", offline=True) except AttributeError as e: gsuite_client = GsuiteClient(domain="", offline=True) # register custom marker for rationale (used in report) config.addinivalue_line( "markers", "rationale(reason): (optional) rationale behind the test. (null if not set)", )
[docs]@pytest.fixture def aws_config(pytestconfig): return
[docs]@pytest.fixture def gcp_config(pytestconfig): return pytestconfig.custom_config.gcp
[docs]def pytest_runtest_setup(item): """ Add custom markers to pytest tests. """ if not isinstance(item, DoctestItem): item.config.custom_config.add_markers(item)
# Reporting
[docs]def get_node_markers(node): return [m for m in node.iter_markers()]
# METADATA_KEYS are modified by services to specify which metadata is # relevant for the JSON output. It's unlikely that duplicate keys are # intended, so failfast # adapted from #
[docs]class DuplicateKeyError(Exception): pass
[docs]class SingleSet(set): """Set only allowing values to be added once When addition of a duplicate value is detected, the `DuplicateKeyError` exception will be raised, all non duplicate values are added to the set. Raises: DuplicateKeyError - when adding a value already in the set >>> ss = SingleSet({1, 2, 3, 4}) >>> ss.add(3) Traceback (most recent call last): ... conftest.DuplicateKeyError: Value 3 already present >>> ss.update({4, 5, 6, 3}) Traceback (most recent call last): ... conftest.DuplicateKeyError: Value(s) {3, 4} already present >>> ss SingleSet({1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}) >>> **NB:** - duplicate values on initialization are not detected >>> ss = SingleSet({1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1}) >>> ss SingleSet({1, 2, 3, 4}) """
[docs] def add(self, value): if value in self: raise DuplicateKeyError("Value {!r} already present".format(value)) super().add(value)
[docs] def update(self, values): error_values = set() for value in values: if value in self: error_values.add(value) if error_values: # we want the non-duplicate values added super().update(values - error_values) raise DuplicateKeyError( "Value(s) {!r} already present".format(error_values) ) super().update(values)
METADATA_KEYS: SingleSet = SingleSet( [ "DBInstanceArn", "DBInstanceIdentifier", "GroupId", "ImageId", "InstanceId", "LaunchTime", "OwnerId", "TagList", "Tags", "UserName", "VolumeId", "VpcId", "__pytest_meta", "displayName", "id", "kind", "members", "name", "project", "projectId", "role", "uniqueId", ] )
[docs]def serialize_datetimes(obj): """Serializes datetimes to ISO format strings. Used on report test_metadata since pytest-json doesn't let us pass options to the serializer. >>> from datetime import datetime >>> serialize_datetimes({datetime(2000, 1, 1): -1}) {'2000-01-01T00:00:00': -1} >>> serialize_datetimes({'foo': datetime(2000, 1, 1)}) {'foo': '2000-01-01T00:00:00'} """ if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime): return obj.isoformat() elif isinstance(obj, list): return [serialize_datetimes(item) for item in obj] elif isinstance(obj, dict): new_obj = {} for k, v in obj.items(): new_obj[serialize_datetimes(k)] = serialize_datetimes(v) return new_obj return obj
[docs]def extract_metadata(resource): return { metadata_key: resource[metadata_key] for metadata_key in METADATA_KEYS if metadata_key in resource }
[docs]def get_metadata_from_funcargs(funcargs): metadata = {} for k in funcargs: if isinstance(funcargs[k], dict): metadata = {**metadata, **extract_metadata(funcargs[k])} return metadata
[docs]def serialize_marker(marker): if isinstance(marker, (MarkDecorator, Mark)): args = ["...skipped..."] if == "parametrize" else marker.args kwargs = ["...skipped..."] if == "parametrize" else marker.kwargs return {"name":, "args": args, "kwargs": kwargs} else: raise NotImplementedError("Unexpected Marker type %s" % repr(marker))
[docs]def get_outcome_and_reason(report, markers, call): xfail = "xfail" in markers xpass = report.passed and xfail if ( call.excinfo and not isinstance(call.excinfo, AssertionError) and isinstance(call.excinfo, Exception) ): return "errored", call.excinfo elif xpass: return "xpassed", markers["xfail"]["kwargs"].get("reason", None) elif xfail: return "xfailed", markers["xfail"]["kwargs"].get("reason", None) else: return report.outcome, None # passed, failed, skipped
[docs]def clean_docstring(docstr): """ Transforms a docstring into a properly formatted single line string. >>> clean_docstring("\\nfoo\\n bar\\n") 'foo bar' >>> clean_docstring("foo bar") 'foo bar' """ return " ".join( [word for word in docstr.replace("\n", " ").strip().split(" ") if word != ""] )
[docs]@pytest.mark.hookwrapper def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call): outcome = yield report = outcome.get_result() # only add this during call instead of during any stage if report.when == "call" and not isinstance(item, DoctestItem): metadata = get_metadata_from_funcargs(item.funcargs) markers = { serialize_marker(n) for n in get_node_markers(item)} severity = markers.get("severity", None) and markers.get("severity")["args"][0] regression = ( markers.get("regression", None) and markers.get("regression")["args"][0] ) outcome, reason = get_outcome_and_reason(report, markers, call) rationale = markers.get("rationale", None) and clean_docstring( markers.get("rationale")["args"][0] ) description = item._obj.__doc__ and clean_docstring(item._obj.__doc__) # add json metadata report.test_metadata = serialize_datetimes( dict( description=description, markers=markers, metadata=metadata, outcome=outcome, # 'passed', 'failed', 'skipped', 'xfailed', 'xskipped', or 'errored', rationale=rationale, reason=reason, severity=severity, regression=regression, unparametrized_name=item.originalname, ) )