
Tests are managed with cargo. To run tests:

cargo test

The integration tests support logging to aid in debugging, but by default cargo runs tests in parallel. You can either run the test sequentually with:

cargo test -p integration-tests -- --test-threads 1

or run a specific test with:

cargo test -p integration-tests -- test_name

Cargo also captures output by default. To include the logs in the output of the tests, you can run:

cargo test -- --nocapture

but it is recommended to either run tests sequentially or run a specific test, as the log output from each test will be interwoven.


There is currently an an intermittent failure in the integration test test_resume_session_ok. Usually running the test in release mode without capturing standard output causes the test to pass, for example:

cargo test --release -p integration_tests -- integration_tests::test_resume_session_ok --nocapture