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Ingestion Edge Service

A simple service for delivering HTTP messages to Google Cloud PubSub

The source code lives in the ingestion-edge subdirectory of the gcp-ingestion repository.


We assume that you have docker-compose installed.

From inside the ingestion-edge subdirectory:

# docker-compose
docker-compose build

# pytest


Use docker-compose to run a local development server that auto-detects changes:

# run the web server and PubSub emulator
docker-compose up --detach web

# manually check the server
curl http://localhost:8000/__version__
curl http://localhost:8000/__heartbeat__
curl http://localhost:8000/__lbheartbeat__
curl http://localhost:8000/submit/test -d "test"

# check web logs
docker-compose logs web

# clean up docker-compose environment
docker-compose down --timeout 0


The ingestion-edge docker container accepts these configuration options from environment variables:

  • ROUTE_TABLE: a JSON list of mappings from uri to PubSub topic, uri matches are detected in order, defaults to [], each mapping is a list and may include an optional third element that specifies a list of allowed methods instead of the default ["POST","PUT"]
  • QUEUE_PATH: a filesystem path to a directory where a SQLite database will be created to store requests for when PubSub is unavailable, paths may be relative to the docker container WORKDIR, defaults to queue
  • MINIMUM_DISK_FREE_BYTES: an integer indicating the threshold of free bytes on the filesystem where QUEUE_PATH is mounted below which /__heartbeat__ will fail, defaults to 0 which disables the check
  • METADATA_HEADERS: a JSON list of headers to preserve as PubSub message attributes, defaults to ["Content-Length", "Date", "DNT", "User-Agent", "X-Forwarded-For", "X-Pingsender-Version", "X-Pipeline-Proxy", "X-Debug-ID", "X-Telemetry-Agent", "X-Source-Tags", "X-Foxsec-IP-Reputation", "X-LB-Tags"]; the message attribute name will be the header name in lowercase and with - converted to _
  • PUBLISH_TIMEOUT_SECONDS: a float indicating the maximum number of seconds to wait for the PubSub client to complete a publish operation, defaults to 1 second and may require tuning
  • FLUSH_CONCURRENT_MESSAGES: an integer indicating the number of messages per worker that may be read from the queue before waiting on publish results, defaults to 1000 messages based on publish request limits and may require tuning
  • FLUSH_CONCURRENT_BYTES: an integer indicating the number of bytes per worker that may be read from the queue before waiting on publish results, which may be exceeded by one message and measures data bytes rather than serialized message size, defaults to 10MB based on publish request limits and may require tuning
  • FLUSH_SLEEP_SECONDS: a float indicating the number of seconds waited between flush attempts, defaults to 1 second and may require tuning


Run tests with CircleCI Local CLI, docker-compose, or pytest wrappers

# circleci
(cd .. && circleci build --job ingestion-edge)

# docker-compose
docker-compose run --rm test

# pytest wrapper (pytest-all calls lint and pytest)

The pytest wrappers add these options via the environment:

  • CLEAN_RELOCATES controls whether bin/lint and bin/pytest will remove .pyc files not in venv/ that do not contain $PWD to prevent errors when switching between running in and out of docker, defaults to true
  • VENV controls whether to use a python venv in venv/$(uname) in bin/lint and bin/pytest, and in bin/build to create and use that venv, defaults to false in Dockerfile and true otherwise
  • REQUIRE_CODE_COVERAGE controls whether bin/pytest-all will fail if code coverage is less than 100%, defaults to true
  • Use comments like # pragma: no cov to disable coverage for things that cannot be reasonably covered in CircleCI, as described in the docs

Style Checks

Run style checks

# docker-compose
docker-compose run --rm test bin/lint

# pytest wrapper

Unit Tests

Run unit tests

# docker-compose
docker-compose run --rm test bin/pytest tests/unit

# pytest wrapper
./bin/pytest tests/unit

Integration Tests

Run integration tests locally

# docker-compose
docker-compose run --rm test bin/pytest tests/integration

# pytest wrapper
./bin/pytest tests/integration

Test a remote server (requires credentials to read PubSub)

# define the same ROUTE_TABLE as your edge server
export ROUTE_TABLE='[["/submit/telemetry/<suffix:path>","projects/PROJECT/topics/TOPIC"]]'

# docker using latest image and no git checkout
docker run --rm --tty --interactive --env ROUTE_TABLE mozilla/ingestion-edge:latest bin/pytest tests/integration --server

# docker-compose
docker-compose run --rm -e ROUTE_TABLE test bin/pytest tests/integration --server

# pytest wrapper
./bin/pytest tests/integration --server

Load Tests

Run a load test (defaults to a single GKE cluster and a PubSub emulator)

# docker using latest image and no git checkout
docker run --rm --tty --interactive mozilla/ingestion-edge:latest bin/pytest tests/load

# docker-compose
docker-compose run --rm test bin/pytest tests/load

# pytest
./bin/pytest tests/load

Load test options (from ./bin/test -h)

                        Minimum 200 responses per non-200 response to require
                        during --test-period, default is 1000 (0.1% errors)
                        Minimum 200 responses per second to require during
                        --test-period, default is 15000
                        Number of seconds to evaluate after warmup, default is
                        1800 (30 minutes)
                        Minimum 200 responses per second that indicate warmup
                        is complete, default is 15000
                        Maximum number of seconds to wait for warmup to
                        complete, default is 600 (10 minutes)
  --cluster=CLUSTER     Name of GKE cluster to create for test resources,
                        default is 'load-test', ignored when --load-balancer
                        and --no-traffic-generator are both specified
  --location=LOCATION   Location to use for --cluster, default is us-west1
  --preemptible         Use preemptible instances for --cluster, default is
  --project=PROJECT     Project to use for --cluster, default is from
                        Load Balancing url map to monitor, implies --no-
                        generator when --server-uri is not specified, ignores
                        --image and --no-emulator
                        Server uri like '
                        telemetry/suffix', ignored when --no-generator is
                        specified or --load-balancer is missing
  --image=IMAGE         Docker image for server deployment, default is
                        'mozilla/ingestion-edge:latest', ignored when --load-
                        balancer is specified
  --no-emulator         Don't use a PubSub emulator, ignored when --load-
                        balancer is specified
  --topic=TOPIC         PubSub topic name, default is 'topic', ignored when
                        --load-balancer is specified
  --no-generator        Don't deploy a traffic generator, ignore --script
  --script=SCRIPT       Lua script to use for traffic generator deployment,
                        default is 'tests/load/wrk/telemetry.lua', ignored
                        when --no-generator is specified