Type Parameters

  • T extends SupportedLabeledTypes


[label: string]: T



  • Create an instance of the submetric type for the provided dynamic label.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends (new (...args) => InstanceType<T>)


    • meta: CommonMetricData

      the CommonMetricData information for the metric.

    • submetricClass: T

      the class type for the submetric.

    • label: string

      the desired label to record to.

    Returns InstanceType<T>

    an instance of the submetric class type that allows to record data.

  • Create an instance of the submetric type for the provided static label.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends (new (...args) => InstanceType<T>)


    • meta: CommonMetricData

      the CommonMetricData information for the metric.

    • submetricClass: T

      the class type for the submetric.

    • allowedLabels: string[]

      the array of allowed labels.

    • label: string

      the desired label to record to.

    Returns InstanceType<T>

    an instance of the submetric class type that allows to record data.

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