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//! The different metric types supported by the Glean SDK to handle data.
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
use chrono::{DateTime, FixedOffset};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_json::json;
pub use serde_json::Value as JsonValue;
mod boolean;
mod counter;
mod custom_distribution;
mod datetime;
mod denominator;
mod event;
mod experiment;
pub(crate) mod labeled;
mod memory_distribution;
mod memory_unit;
mod numerator;
mod object;
mod ping;
mod quantity;
mod rate;
mod recorded_experiment;
mod remote_settings_config;
mod string;
mod string_list;
mod text;
mod time_unit;
mod timespan;
mod timing_distribution;
mod url;
mod uuid;
use crate::common_metric_data::CommonMetricDataInternal;
pub use crate::event_database::RecordedEvent;
use crate::histogram::{Functional, Histogram, PrecomputedExponential, PrecomputedLinear};
pub use crate::metrics::datetime::Datetime;
use crate::util::get_iso_time_string;
use crate::Glean;
pub use self::boolean::BooleanMetric;
pub use self::counter::CounterMetric;
pub use self::custom_distribution::{CustomDistributionMetric, LocalCustomDistribution};
pub use self::datetime::DatetimeMetric;
pub use self::denominator::DenominatorMetric;
pub use self::event::EventMetric;
pub(crate) use self::experiment::ExperimentMetric;
pub use self::labeled::{
LabeledBoolean, LabeledCounter, LabeledCustomDistribution, LabeledMemoryDistribution,
LabeledMetric, LabeledQuantity, LabeledString, LabeledTimingDistribution,
pub use self::memory_distribution::{LocalMemoryDistribution, MemoryDistributionMetric};
pub use self::memory_unit::MemoryUnit;
pub use self::numerator::NumeratorMetric;
pub use self::object::ObjectMetric;
pub use self::ping::PingType;
pub use self::quantity::QuantityMetric;
pub use self::rate::{Rate, RateMetric};
pub use self::string::StringMetric;
pub use self::string_list::StringListMetric;
pub use self::text::TextMetric;
pub use self::time_unit::TimeUnit;
pub use self::timespan::TimespanMetric;
pub use self::timing_distribution::LocalTimingDistribution;
pub use self::timing_distribution::TimerId;
pub use self::timing_distribution::TimingDistributionMetric;
pub use self::url::UrlMetric;
pub use self::uuid::UuidMetric;
pub use crate::histogram::HistogramType;
pub use recorded_experiment::RecordedExperiment;
pub use self::remote_settings_config::RemoteSettingsConfig;
/// A snapshot of all buckets and the accumulated sum of a distribution.
// Note: Be careful when changing this structure.
// The serialized form ends up in the ping payload.
// New fields might require to be skipped on serialization.
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, PartialEq)]
pub struct DistributionData {
/// A map containig the bucket index mapped to the accumulated count.
/// This can contain buckets with a count of `0`.
pub values: HashMap<i64, i64>,
/// The accumulated sum of all the samples in the distribution.
pub sum: i64,
/// The total number of entries in the distribution.
pub count: i64,
/// The available metrics.
/// This is the in-memory and persisted layout of a metric.
/// ## Note
/// The order of metrics in this enum is important, as it is used for serialization.
/// Do not reorder the variants.
/// **Any new metric must be added at the end.**
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Metric {
/// A boolean metric. See [`BooleanMetric`] for more information.
/// A counter metric. See [`CounterMetric`] for more information.
/// A custom distribution with precomputed exponential bucketing.
/// See [`CustomDistributionMetric`] for more information.
/// A custom distribution with precomputed linear bucketing.
/// See [`CustomDistributionMetric`] for more information.
/// A datetime metric. See [`DatetimeMetric`] for more information.
Datetime(DateTime<FixedOffset>, TimeUnit),
/// An experiment metric. See `ExperimentMetric` for more information.
/// A quantity metric. See [`QuantityMetric`] for more information.
/// A string metric. See [`StringMetric`] for more information.
/// A string list metric. See [`StringListMetric`] for more information.
/// A UUID metric. See [`UuidMetric`] for more information.
/// A timespan metric. See [`TimespanMetric`] for more information.
Timespan(std::time::Duration, TimeUnit),
/// A timing distribution. See [`TimingDistributionMetric`] for more information.
/// A memory distribution. See [`MemoryDistributionMetric`] for more information.
/// **DEPRECATED**: A JWE metric..
/// Note: This variant MUST NOT be removed to avoid backwards-incompatible changes to the
/// serialization. This type has no underlying implementation anymore.
/// A rate metric. See [`RateMetric`] for more information.
Rate(i32, i32),
/// A URL metric. See [`UrlMetric`] for more information.
/// A Text metric. See [`TextMetric`] for more information.
/// An Object metric. See [`ObjectMetric`] for more information.
/// A [`MetricType`] describes common behavior across all metrics.
pub trait MetricType {
/// Access the stored metadata
fn meta(&self) -> &CommonMetricDataInternal;
/// Create a new metric from this with a new name.
fn with_name(&self, _name: String) -> Self
Self: Sized,
/// Create a new metric from this with a specific label.
fn with_dynamic_label(&self, _label: String) -> Self
Self: Sized,
/// Whether this metric should currently be recorded
/// This depends on the metrics own state, as determined by its metadata,
/// and whether upload is enabled on the Glean object.
fn should_record(&self, glean: &Glean) -> bool {
// Technically nothing prevents multiple calls to should_record() to run in parallel,
// meaning both are reading self.meta().disabled and later writing it. In between it can
// also read remote_settings_config, which also could be modified in between those 2 reads.
// This means we could write the wrong remote_settings_epoch | current_disabled value. All in all
// at worst we would see that metric enabled/disabled wrongly once.
// But since everything is tunneled through the dispatcher, this should never ever happen.
// Get the current disabled field from the metric metadata, including
// the encoded remote_settings epoch
let disabled_field = self.meta().disabled.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
// Grab the epoch from the upper nibble
let epoch = disabled_field >> 4;
// Get the disabled flag from the lower nibble
let disabled = disabled_field & 0xF;
// Get the current remote_settings epoch to see if we need to bother with the
// more expensive HashMap lookup
let remote_settings_epoch = glean.remote_settings_epoch.load(Ordering::Acquire);
if epoch == remote_settings_epoch {
return disabled == 0;
// The epoch's didn't match so we need to look up the disabled flag
// by the base_identifier from the in-memory HashMap
let remote_settings_config = &glean.remote_settings_config.lock().unwrap();
// Get the value from the remote configuration if it is there, otherwise return the default value.
let current_disabled = {
let base_id = self.meta().base_identifier();
let identifier = base_id
.map(|split| split.0)
// NOTE: The `!` preceding the `*is_enabled` is important for inverting the logic since the
// underlying property in the metrics.yaml is `disabled` and the outward API is treating it as
// if it were `enabled` to make it easier to understand.
if !remote_settings_config.metrics_enabled.is_empty() {
if let Some(is_enabled) = remote_settings_config.metrics_enabled.get(identifier) {
} else {
} else {
// Re-encode the epoch and enabled status and update the metadata
let new_disabled = (remote_settings_epoch << 4) | (current_disabled & 0xF);
self.meta().disabled.store(new_disabled, Ordering::Relaxed);
// Return a boolean indicating whether or not the metric should be recorded
current_disabled == 0
impl Metric {
/// Gets the ping section the metric fits into.
/// This determines the section of the ping to place the metric data in when
/// assembling the ping payload.
pub fn ping_section(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
Metric::Boolean(_) => "boolean",
Metric::Counter(_) => "counter",
// Custom distributions are in the same section, no matter what bucketing.
Metric::CustomDistributionExponential(_) => "custom_distribution",
Metric::CustomDistributionLinear(_) => "custom_distribution",
Metric::Datetime(_, _) => "datetime",
Metric::Experiment(_) => panic!("Experiments should not be serialized through this"),
Metric::Quantity(_) => "quantity",
Metric::Rate(..) => "rate",
Metric::String(_) => "string",
Metric::StringList(_) => "string_list",
Metric::Timespan(..) => "timespan",
Metric::TimingDistribution(_) => "timing_distribution",
Metric::Url(_) => "url",
Metric::Uuid(_) => "uuid",
Metric::MemoryDistribution(_) => "memory_distribution",
Metric::Jwe(_) => "jwe",
Metric::Text(_) => "text",
Metric::Object(_) => "object",
/// The JSON representation of the metric's data
pub fn as_json(&self) -> JsonValue {
match self {
Metric::Boolean(b) => json!(b),
Metric::Counter(c) => json!(c),
Metric::CustomDistributionExponential(hist) => {
Metric::CustomDistributionLinear(hist) => json!(custom_distribution::snapshot(hist)),
Metric::Datetime(d, time_unit) => json!(get_iso_time_string(*d, *time_unit)),
Metric::Experiment(e) => e.as_json(),
Metric::Quantity(q) => json!(q),
Metric::Rate(num, den) => {
json!({"numerator": num, "denominator": den})
Metric::String(s) => json!(s),
Metric::StringList(v) => json!(v),
Metric::Timespan(time, time_unit) => {
json!({"value": time_unit.duration_convert(*time), "time_unit": time_unit})
Metric::TimingDistribution(hist) => json!(timing_distribution::snapshot(hist)),
Metric::Url(s) => json!(s),
Metric::Uuid(s) => json!(s),
Metric::MemoryDistribution(hist) => json!(memory_distribution::snapshot(hist)),
Metric::Jwe(s) => json!(s),
Metric::Text(s) => json!(s),
Metric::Object(s) => {
serde_json::from_str(s).expect("object storage should have been json")