Source code for glean_parser.kotlin

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Outputter to generate Kotlin code for metrics.

from collections import OrderedDict
import enum
import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union  # noqa

from . import __version__
from . import metrics
from . import pings
from . import tags
from . import util
from .util import DictWrapper

[docs] def kotlin_datatypes_filter(value: util.JSONType) -> str: """ A Jinja2 filter that renders Kotlin literals. Based on Python's JSONEncoder, but overrides: - lists to use listOf - dicts to use mapOf - sets to use setOf - enums to use the like-named Kotlin enum - Rate objects to a CommonMetricData initializer (for external Denominators' Numerators lists) """ class KotlinEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def iterencode(self, value): if isinstance(value, list): yield "listOf(" first = True for subvalue in value: if not first: yield ", " yield from self.iterencode(subvalue) first = False yield ")" elif isinstance(value, dict): yield "mapOf(" first = True for key, subvalue in value.items(): if not first: yield ", " yield from self.iterencode(key) yield " to " yield from self.iterencode(subvalue) first = False yield ")" elif isinstance(value, enum.Enum): # UniFFI generates SCREAMING_CASE enum variants. yield (value.__class__.__name__ + "." + util.screaming_case( elif isinstance(value, set): yield "setOf(" first = True for subvalue in sorted(list(value)): if not first: yield ", " yield from self.iterencode(subvalue) first = False yield ")" elif isinstance(value, metrics.Rate): yield "CommonMetricData(" first = True for arg_name in util.common_metric_args: if hasattr(value, arg_name): if not first: yield ", " yield f"{util.camelize(arg_name)} = " yield from self.iterencode(getattr(value, arg_name)) first = False yield ")" else: yield from super().iterencode(value) return "".join(KotlinEncoder().iterencode(value))
[docs] def type_name(obj: Union[metrics.Metric, pings.Ping]) -> str: """ Returns the Kotlin type to use for a given metric or ping object. """ generate_enums = getattr(obj, "_generate_enums", []) if len(generate_enums): generic = None for member, suffix in generate_enums: if len(getattr(obj, member)): if isinstance(obj, metrics.Event): generic = util.Camelize( + suffix else: generic = util.camelize( + suffix else: if isinstance(obj, metrics.Event): generic = "NoExtras" else: generic = "No" + suffix return "{}<{}>".format(class_name(obj.type), generic) generate_structure = getattr(obj, "_generate_structure", []) if len(generate_structure): generic = util.Camelize( + "Object" return "{}<{}>".format(class_name(obj.type), generic) return class_name(obj.type)
[docs] def extra_type_name(typ: str) -> str: """ Returns the corresponding Kotlin type for event's extra key types. """ if typ == "boolean": return "Boolean" elif typ == "string": return "String" elif typ == "quantity": return "Int" else: return "UNSUPPORTED"
[docs] def structure_type_name(typ: str) -> str: """ Returns the corresponding Kotlin type for structure items. """ if typ == "boolean": return "Boolean" elif typ == "string": return "String" elif typ == "number": return "Int" else: return "UNSUPPORTED"
[docs] def class_name(obj_type: str) -> str: """ Returns the Kotlin class name for a given metric or ping type. """ if obj_type == "ping": return "PingType" if obj_type.startswith("labeled_"): obj_type = obj_type[8:] return util.Camelize(obj_type) + "MetricType"
[docs] def generate_build_date(date: Optional[str]) -> str: """ Generate the build timestamp. """ ts = util.build_date(date) data = [ str(ts.year), # In Java the first month of the year in calendars is JANUARY which is 0. # In Python it's 1-based str(ts.month - 1), str(, str(ts.hour), str(ts.minute), str(ts.second), ] components = ", ".join(data) # DatetimeMetricType takes a `Calendar` instance. return f'Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT+0")).also {{ cal -> cal.set({components}) }}' # noqa
[docs] def output_gecko_lookup( objs: metrics.ObjectTree, output_dir: Path, options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> None: """ Given a tree of objects, generate a Kotlin map between Gecko histograms and Glean SDK metric types. :param objects: A tree of objects (metrics and pings) as returned from `parser.parse_objects`. :param output_dir: Path to an output directory to write to. :param options: options dictionary, with the following optional keys: - `namespace`: The package namespace to declare at the top of the generated files. Defaults to `GleanMetrics`. - `glean_namespace`: The package namespace of the glean library itself. This is where glean objects will be imported from in the generated code. """ if options is None: options = {} template = util.get_jinja2_template( "kotlin.geckoview.jinja2", filters=( ("kotlin", kotlin_datatypes_filter), ("type_name", type_name), ("class_name", class_name), ), ) namespace = options.get("namespace", "GleanMetrics") glean_namespace = options.get("glean_namespace", "mozilla.components.service.glean") # Build a dictionary that contains data for metrics that are # histogram-like/scalar-like and contain a gecko_datapoint, with this format: # # { # "histograms": { # "category": [ # {"gecko_datapoint": "the-datapoint", "name": "the-metric-name"}, # ... # ], # ... # }, # "other-type": {} # } gecko_metrics: Dict[str, Dict[str, List[Dict[str, str]]]] = DictWrapper() # Define scalar-like types. SCALAR_LIKE_TYPES = ["boolean", "string", "quantity"] for category_key, category_val in objs.items(): # Support exfiltration of Gecko metrics from products using both the # Glean SDK and GeckoView. See bug 1566356 for more context. for metric in category_val.values(): # This is not a Gecko metric, skip it. if ( isinstance(metric, pings.Ping) or isinstance(metric, tags.Tag) or not getattr(metric, "gecko_datapoint", False) ): continue # Put scalars in their own categories, histogram-like in "histograms" and # categorical histograms in "categoricals". type_category = "histograms" if metric.type in SCALAR_LIKE_TYPES: type_category = metric.type elif metric.type == "labeled_counter": # Labeled counters with a 'gecko_datapoint' property # are categorical histograms. type_category = "categoricals" gecko_metrics.setdefault(type_category, OrderedDict()) gecko_metrics[type_category].setdefault(category_key, []) gecko_metrics[type_category][category_key].append( {"gecko_datapoint": metric.gecko_datapoint, "name":} ) if not gecko_metrics: # Bail out and don't create a file if no gecko metrics # are found. return filepath = output_dir / "GleanGeckoMetricsMapping.kt" with"w", encoding="utf-8") as fd: fd.write( template.render( parser_version=__version__, gecko_metrics=gecko_metrics, namespace=namespace, glean_namespace=glean_namespace, ) ) # Jinja2 squashes the final newline, so we explicitly add it fd.write("\n")
[docs] def output_kotlin( objs: metrics.ObjectTree, output_dir: Path, options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> None: """ Given a tree of objects, output Kotlin code to `output_dir`. :param objects: A tree of objects (metrics and pings) as returned from `parser.parse_objects`. :param output_dir: Path to an output directory to write to. :param options: options dictionary, with the following optional keys: - `namespace`: The package namespace to declare at the top of the generated files. Defaults to `GleanMetrics`. - `glean_namespace`: The package namespace of the glean library itself. This is where glean objects will be imported from in the generated code. - `with_buildinfo`: If "true" a `GleanBuildInfo.kt` file is generated. Otherwise generation of that file is skipped. Defaults to "true". - `build_date`: If set to `0` a static unix epoch time will be used. If set to a ISO8601 datetime string (e.g. `2022-01-03T17:30:00`) it will use that date. Other values will throw an error. If not set it will use the current date & time. """ if options is None: options = {} namespace = options.get("namespace", "GleanMetrics") glean_namespace = options.get("glean_namespace", "mozilla.components.service.glean") namespace_package = namespace[: namespace.rfind(".")] with_buildinfo = options.get("with_buildinfo", "true").lower() == "true" build_date = options.get("build_date", None) # Write out the special "build info" object template = util.get_jinja2_template( "kotlin.buildinfo.jinja2", ) if with_buildinfo: build_date = generate_build_date(build_date) # This filename needs to start with "Glean" so it can never clash with a # metric category with (output_dir / "GleanBuildInfo.kt").open("w", encoding="utf-8") as fd: fd.write( template.render( parser_version=__version__, namespace=namespace, namespace_package=namespace_package, glean_namespace=glean_namespace, build_date=build_date, ) ) fd.write("\n") template = util.get_jinja2_template( "kotlin.jinja2", filters=( ("kotlin", kotlin_datatypes_filter), ("type_name", type_name), ("extra_type_name", extra_type_name), ("class_name", class_name), ("structure_type_name", structure_type_name), ), ) for category_key, category_val in objs.items(): filename = util.Camelize(category_key) + ".kt" filepath = output_dir / filename obj_types = sorted( list(set(class_name(obj.type) for obj in category_val.values())) ) has_labeled_metrics = any( getattr(metric, "labeled", False) for metric in category_val.values() ) has_object_metrics = any( isinstance(metric, metrics.Object) for metric in category_val.values() ) with"w", encoding="utf-8") as fd: fd.write( template.render( parser_version=__version__, category_name=category_key, objs=category_val, obj_types=obj_types, common_metric_args=util.common_metric_args, extra_metric_args=util.extra_metric_args, ping_args=util.ping_args, namespace=namespace, has_labeled_metrics=has_labeled_metrics, has_object_metrics=has_object_metrics, glean_namespace=glean_namespace, ) ) # Jinja2 squashes the final newline, so we explicitly add it fd.write("\n") # TODO: Maybe this should just be a separate outputter? output_gecko_lookup(objs, output_dir, options)