Source code for mozanalysis.exposure

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import attr

from mozanalysis.metrics import DataSource

[docs] @attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True) class ExposureSignal: """Represents a signal that determines an exposure has happened. The optional ``window_start`` and ``window_end`` parameters define the window of data used to determine whether each client has been exposed. ``window_start`` and ``window_end`` are integers, representing the number of days before or after the first enrollment date. If ``window_start`` is set to None, then by default the first enrollment date is used. If ``window_end`` is set to None, then by default the last enrollment date is used. Args: name (str): A slug; uniquely identifies this exposure signal in tables data_source (DataSource): data source to query from select_expr (str): a SQL snippet representing a clause of a SELECT expression describing how to compute the exposure signal; must be a boolean condition friendly_name (str): A human-readable dashboard title for this exposure signal description (str): A paragraph of Markdown-formatted text describing what the exposure signal represents, to be shown on dashboards window_start (int): Optional, see above window_end (int): Optional, see above """ name = attr.ib(type=str) data_source = attr.ib(type=DataSource) select_expr = attr.ib(type=str) friendly_name = attr.ib(type=str | None, default=None) description = attr.ib(type=str | None, default=None) window_start = attr.ib(type=str | None, default=None) window_end = attr.ib(type=str | None, default=None)
[docs] def build_query( self, time_limits, ): """Return a nearly self-contained query for determining exposures. This query does not define ``enrollments`` but otherwise could be executed to query all exposures based on the exposure metric from this data source. """ return """SELECT e.client_id, e.branch, MIN(ds.submission_date) AS exposure_date, COUNT(ds.submission_date) AS num_exposure_events FROM raw_enrollments e LEFT JOIN ( SELECT {client_id} AS client_id, {submission_date} AS submission_date FROM {from_expr} WHERE {submission_date} BETWEEN DATE_ADD('{date_start}', INTERVAL {window_start} DAY) AND DATE_ADD('{date_end}', INTERVAL {window_end} DAY) AND {exposure_signal} ) AS ds ON ds.client_id = e.client_id AND ds.submission_date >= e.enrollment_date GROUP BY e.client_id, e.branch""".format( client_id=self.data_source.client_id_column, submission_date=self.data_source.submission_date_column, from_expr=self.data_source.from_expr_for(None), date_start=time_limits.first_enrollment_date, date_end=time_limits.first_enrollment_date if self.window_end else time_limits.last_enrollment_date, window_start=self.window_start or 0, window_end=self.window_end or 0, exposure_signal=self.select_expr, )