Source code for mozanalysis.metrics

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from __future__ import annotations

from enum import Enum
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    from mozanalysis.experiment import TimeLimits

import logging
import warnings

import attr

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    metrics and data sources created in mozanalysis are deprecated
    please create directly from metric-hub with ConfigLoader like

    from mozanalysis.config import ConfigLoader

    and data sources like


[docs] class AnalysisBasis(Enum): """Determines what the population used for the analysis will be based on.""" ENROLLMENTS = "enrollments" EXPOSURES = "exposures"
[docs] @attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True) class DataSource: """Represents a table or view, from which Metrics may be defined. Args: name (str): Name for the Data Source. Used in sanity metric column names. from_expr (str): FROM expression - often just a fully-qualified table name. Sometimes a subquery. May contain the string ``{dataset}`` which will be replaced with an app-specific dataset for Glean apps. If the expression is templated on dataset, default_dataset is mandatory. experiments_column_type (str or None): Info about the schema of the table or view: * 'simple': There is an ``experiments`` column, which is an (experiment_slug:str -> branch_name:str) map. * 'native': There is an ``experiments`` column, which is an (experiment_slug:str -> struct) map, where the struct contains a ``branch`` field, which is the branch as a string. * None: There is no ``experiments`` column, so skip the sanity checks that rely on it. We'll also be unable to filter out pre-enrollment data from day 0 in the experiment. client_id_column (str, optional): Name of the column that contains the ``client_id`` (join key). Defaults to 'client_id'. submission_date_column (str, optional): Name of the column that contains the submission date (as a date, not timestamp). Defaults to 'submission_date'. default_dataset (str, optional): The value to use for `{dataset}` in from_expr if a value is not provided at runtime. Mandatory if from_expr contains a `{dataset}` parameter. app_name: (str, optional): app_name used with metric-hub, used for validation """ name = attr.ib(validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str)) _from_expr = attr.ib(validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str)) experiments_column_type = attr.ib(default="simple", type=str) client_id_column = attr.ib(default="client_id", type=str) submission_date_column = attr.ib(default="submission_date", type=str) default_dataset = attr.ib(default=None, type=str | None) app_name = attr.ib(default=None, type=str | None) EXPERIMENT_COLUMN_TYPES = (None, "simple", "native", "glean") @experiments_column_type.validator def _check_experiments_column_type(self, attribute, value): if value not in self.EXPERIMENT_COLUMN_TYPES: raise ValueError( f"experiments_column_type {value!r} must be one of: " f"{self.EXPERIMENT_COLUMN_TYPES!r}" ) @default_dataset.validator def _check_default_dataset_provided_if_needed(self, attribute, value): self.from_expr_for(None)
[docs] def from_expr_for(self, dataset: str | None) -> str: """Expands the ``from_expr`` template for the given dataset. If ``from_expr`` is not a template, returns ``from_expr``. Args: dataset (str or None): Dataset name to substitute into the from expression. """ effective_dataset = dataset or self.default_dataset if effective_dataset is None: try: return self._from_expr.format() except Exception as e: raise ValueError( f"{}: from_expr contains a dataset template but no value was provided." # noqa:E501 ) from e return self._from_expr.format(dataset=effective_dataset)
@property def experiments_column_expr(self) -> str: if self.experiments_column_type is None: return "" elif self.experiments_column_type == "simple": return """AND ( ds.{submission_date} != e.enrollment_date OR ``( ds.experiments, '{experiment_slug}' ) IS NOT NULL )""" elif self.experiments_column_type == "native": return """AND ( ds.{submission_date} != e.enrollment_date OR ``( ds.experiments, '{experiment_slug}' ).branch IS NOT NULL )""" elif self.experiments_column_type == "glean": return """AND ( ds.{submission_date} != e.enrollment_date OR ``( ds.ping_info.experiments, '{experiment_slug}' ).branch IS NOT NULL )""" else: raise ValueError
[docs] def build_query( self, metric_list: list[Metric], time_limits: TimeLimits, experiment_slug: str, from_expr_dataset: str | None = None, analysis_basis: str = AnalysisBasis.ENROLLMENTS, exposure_signal=None, ) -> str: """Return a nearly-self contained SQL query. This query does not define ``enrollments`` but otherwise could be executed to query all metrics from this data source. """ return """ SELECT e.client_id, e.branch, e.analysis_window_start, e.analysis_window_end, e.num_exposure_events, e.exposure_date, {metrics} FROM enrollments e LEFT JOIN {from_expr} ds ON ds.{client_id} = e.client_id AND ds.{submission_date} BETWEEN '{fddr}' AND '{lddr}' AND ds.{submission_date} BETWEEN DATE_ADD(e.{date}, interval e.analysis_window_start day) AND DATE_ADD(e.{date}, interval e.analysis_window_end day) {ignore_pre_enroll_first_day} GROUP BY e.client_id, e.branch, e.num_exposure_events, e.exposure_date, e.analysis_window_start, e.analysis_window_end""".format( client_id=self.client_id_column or "client_id", submission_date=self.submission_date_column or "submission_date", from_expr=self.from_expr_for(from_expr_dataset), fddr=time_limits.first_date_data_required, lddr=time_limits.last_date_data_required, metrics=",\n ".join( f"{m.select_expr.format(experiment_slug=experiment_slug)} AS {}" for m in metric_list ), date="exposure_date" if analysis_basis == AnalysisBasis.EXPOSURES and exposure_signal is None else "enrollment_date", ignore_pre_enroll_first_day=self.experiments_column_expr.format( submission_date=self.submission_date_column or "submission_date", experiment_slug=experiment_slug, ), )
[docs] def build_query_targets( self, metric_list: list[Metric], time_limits: TimeLimits, experiment_name: str, analysis_length: int, from_expr_dataset: str | None = None, continuous_enrollment: bool = False, ) -> str: """Return a nearly-self contained SQL query that constructs the metrics query for targeting historical data without an associated experiment slug. This query does not define ``targets`` but otherwise could be executed to query all metrics from this data source. """ return """ SELECT t.client_id, t.enrollment_date, t.analysis_window_start, t.analysis_window_end, {metrics} FROM targets t LEFT JOIN {from_expr} ds ON ds.{client_id} = t.client_id {date_clause} GROUP BY t.client_id, t.enrollment_date, t.analysis_window_start, t.analysis_window_end""".format( client_id=self.client_id_column or "client_id", from_expr=self.from_expr_for(from_expr_dataset), metrics=",\n ".join( f"{m.select_expr.format(experiment_name=experiment_name)} AS {}" for m in metric_list ), date_clause=""" AND ds.{submission_date} BETWEEN '{fddr}' AND '{lddr}' AND ds.{submission_date} BETWEEN DATE_ADD(t.enrollment_date, interval t.analysis_window_start day) AND DATE_ADD(t.enrollment_date, interval t.analysis_window_end day)""".format( submission_date=self.submission_date_column or "submission_date", fddr=time_limits.first_date_data_required, lddr=time_limits.last_date_data_required, ) if not continuous_enrollment else """AND ds.{submission_date} BETWEEN t.enrollment_date AND DATE_ADD(t.enrollment_date, interval {analysis_length} day) """.format( submission_date=self.submission_date_column or "submission_date", analysis_length=analysis_length, ), )
def get_sanity_metrics(self, experiment_slug: str) -> list[Metric]: if self.experiments_column_type is None: return [] elif self.experiments_column_type == "simple": return [ Metric( + "_has_contradictory_branch", data_source=self, select_expr=agg_any( """``( ds.experiments, '{experiment_slug}' ) != e.branch""" ), ), Metric( + "_has_non_enrolled_data", data_source=self, select_expr=agg_any( f"""``( ds.experiments, '{experiment_slug}' ) IS NULL""" ), ), ] elif self.experiments_column_type == "native": return [ Metric( + "_has_contradictory_branch", data_source=self, select_expr=agg_any( """``( ds.experiments, '{experiment_slug}' ).branch != e.branch""" ), ), Metric( + "_has_non_enrolled_data", data_source=self, select_expr=agg_any( f"""``( ds.experiments, '{experiment_slug}' ).branch IS NULL""" ), ), ] elif self.experiments_column_type == "glean": return [ Metric( + "_has_contradictory_branch", data_source=self, select_expr=agg_any( """``( ds.ping_info.experiments, '{experiment_slug}' ).branch != e.branch""" ), ), Metric( + "_has_non_enrolled_data", data_source=self, select_expr=agg_any( f"""``( ds.ping_info.experiments, '{experiment_slug}' ).branch IS NULL""" ), ), ] else: raise ValueError
[docs] @attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True) class Metric: """Represents an experiment metric. Needs to be combined with an analysis window to be measurable! Args: name (str): A slug; uniquely identifies this metric in tables data_source (DataSource): where to find the metric select_expr (str): a SQL snippet representing a clause of a SELECT expression describing how to compute the metric; must include an aggregation function since it will be GROUPed BY client_id and branch friendly_name (str): A human-readable dashboard title for this metric description (str): A paragraph of Markdown-formatted text describing what the metric measures, to be shown on dashboards app_name: (str, optional): app_name used with metric-hub, used for validation """ name = attr.ib(type=str) data_source = attr.ib(type=DataSource) select_expr = attr.ib(type=str) friendly_name = attr.ib(type=str | None, default=None) description = attr.ib(type=str | None, default=None) bigger_is_better = attr.ib(type=bool, default=True) app_name = attr.ib(type=str | None, default=None)
[docs] def agg_sum(select_expr: str) -> str: """Return a SQL fragment for the sum over the data, with 0-filled nulls.""" return f"COALESCE(SUM({select_expr}), 0)"
[docs] def agg_any(select_expr: str) -> str: """Return the logical OR, with FALSE-filled nulls.""" return f"COALESCE(LOGICAL_OR({select_expr}), FALSE)"
[docs] def agg_histogram_mean(select_expr: str) -> str: """Produces an expression for the mean of an unparsed histogram.""" return f"""SAFE_DIVIDE( SUM(CAST(JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR({select_expr}, "$.sum") AS int64)), SUM((SELECT SUM(value) FROM UNNEST(mozfun.hist.extract({select_expr}).values))) )""" # noqa