Source code for mozetl.bhr_collection.bhr_collection

# Migrated from Databricks to run on dataproc
# pip install:
# boto3==1.16.20
# click==7.1.2

import contextlib
import gc
import gzip
import json
import os
import random
import re
import time
import urllib
import uuid
from bisect import bisect
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from io import BytesIO

import boto3
import click
from boto3.s3.transfer import S3Transfer
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import array, collect_list
from pyspark.sql.types import Row
from import storage

UNSYMBOLICATED = "<unsymbolicated>"

spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("bhr-collection").getOrCreate()
sc = spark.sparkContext

[docs]def to_struct_of_arrays(a): if len(a) == 0: raise Exception("Need at least one item in array for this to work.") result = {k: [e[k] for e in a] for k in a[0].keys()} result["length"] = len(a) return result
[docs]class UniqueKeyedTable(object): def __init__(self, get_default_from_key, key_names=()): self.get_default_from_key = get_default_from_key self.key_to_index_map = {} self.key_names = key_names self.items = []
[docs] def key_to_index(self, key): if key in self.key_to_index_map: return self.key_to_index_map[key] index = len(self.items) self.items.append(self.get_default_from_key(key)) self.key_to_index_map[key] = index return index
[docs] def key_to_item(self, key): return self.items[self.key_to_index(key)]
[docs] def index_to_item(self, index): return self.items[index]
[docs] def get_items(self): return self.items
[docs] def inner_struct_of_arrays(self, items): if len(items) == 0: raise Exception("Need at least one item in array for this to work.") result = {} num_keys = len(self.key_names) for i in range(0, num_keys): result[self.key_names[i]] = [x[i] for x in items] result["length"] = len(items) return result
[docs] def struct_of_arrays(self): return self.inner_struct_of_arrays(self.items)
[docs] def sorted_struct_of_arrays(self, key): return self.inner_struct_of_arrays(sorted(self.items, key=key))
[docs]class GrowToFitList(list): def __setitem__(self, index, value): if index >= len(self): to_grow = index + 1 - len(self) self.extend([None] * to_grow) list.__setitem__(self, index, value) def __getitem__(self, index): if index >= len(self): return None return list.__getitem__(self, index)
[docs]def hexify(num): return "{0:#0{1}x}".format(num, 8)
[docs]def get_default_lib(name): return { "name": re.sub(r"\.pdb$", "", name), "offset": 0, "path": "", "debugName": name, "debugPath": name, "arch": "", }
[docs]def get_default_thread(name, minimal_sample_table): strings_table = UniqueKeyedTable(lambda str: str) libs = UniqueKeyedTable(get_default_lib) func_table = UniqueKeyedTable( lambda key: ( strings_table.key_to_index(key[0]), None if key[1] is None else libs.key_to_index(key[1]), ), ("name", "lib"), ) stack_table = UniqueKeyedTable( lambda key: (key[2], func_table.key_to_index((key[0], key[1]))), ("prefix", "func"), ) annotations_table = UniqueKeyedTable( lambda key: ( key[0], strings_table.key_to_index(key[1]), strings_table.key_to_index(key[2]), ), ("prefix", "name", "value"), ) if minimal_sample_table: sample_table = UniqueKeyedTable( lambda key: ( key[0], strings_table.key_to_index(key[1]), key[2], strings_table.key_to_index(key[3]), ), ("stack", "platform"), ) else: sample_table = UniqueKeyedTable( lambda key: ( key[0], strings_table.key_to_index(key[1]), key[2], strings_table.key_to_index(key[3]), ), ("stack", "runnable", "annotations", "platform"), ) stack_table.key_to_index(("(root)", None, None)) prune_stack_cache = UniqueKeyedTable(lambda key: [0.0]) prune_stack_cache.key_to_index(("(root)", None, None)) return { "name": name, "libs": libs, "funcTable": func_table, "stackTable": stack_table, "annotationsTable": annotations_table, "pruneStackCache": prune_stack_cache, "sampleTable": sample_table, "stringArray": strings_table, "processType": "tab" if name == "Gecko_Child" or name == "Gecko_Child_ForcePaint" else "default", "dates": UniqueKeyedTable( lambda date: ( { "date": date, "sampleHangMs": GrowToFitList(), "sampleHangCount": GrowToFitList(), } ), ("date", "sampleHangMs", "sampleHangCount"), ), }
[docs]def reconstruct_stack(string_array, func_table, stack_table, lib_table, stack_index): result = [] while stack_index != 0: func_index = stack_table["func"][stack_index] prefix = stack_table["prefix"][stack_index] func_name = string_array[func_table["name"][func_index]] lib_name = lib_table[func_table["lib"][func_index]]["debugName"] result.append((func_name, lib_name)) stack_index = prefix return result[::-1]
[docs]def merge_number_dicts(a, b): keys = set(a.keys()).union(set(b.keys())) return {k: a.get(k, 0.0) + b.get(k, 0.0) for k in keys}
[docs]class ProfileProcessor(object): def __init__(self, config): self.config = config def default_thread_closure(name): return get_default_thread(name, config["use_minimal_sample_table"]) self.thread_table = UniqueKeyedTable(default_thread_closure) self.usage_hours_by_date = {}
[docs] def debug_dump(self, dump_str): if self.config["print_debug_info"]: print(dump_str)
[docs] def ingest_processed_profile(self, profile): for existing_thread in self.thread_table.get_items(): prune_stack_cache = UniqueKeyedTable(lambda key: [0.0]) prune_stack_cache.key_to_index(("(root)", None, None)) existing_thread["pruneStackCache"] = prune_stack_cache sample_size = self.config["post_sample_size"] threads = profile["threads"] for other in threads: other_samples = other["sampleTable"] other_dates = other["dates"] for date in other_dates: build_date = date["date"] for i in range(0, len(date["sampleHangCount"])): stack_index = other_samples["stack"][i] stack = reconstruct_stack( other["stringArray"], other["funcTable"], other["stackTable"], other["libs"], stack_index, ) self.pre_ingest_row( ( stack, other["stringArray"][other_samples["runnable"][i]], other["name"], build_date, other_samples["annotations"][i], other["stringArray"][other_samples["platform"][i]], date["sampleHangMs"][i], date["sampleHangCount"][i], ) ) for date in other_dates: build_date = date["date"] for i in range(0, len(date["sampleHangCount"])): stack_index = other_samples["stack"][i] stack = reconstruct_stack( other["stringArray"], other["funcTable"], other["stackTable"], other["libs"], stack_index, ) if sample_size == 1.0 or random.random() <= sample_size: self.ingest_row( ( stack, other["stringArray"][other_samples["runnable"][i]], other["name"], build_date, other_samples["annotations"][i], other["stringArray"][other_samples["platform"][i]], date["sampleHangMs"][i], date["sampleHangCount"][i], ) ) self.usage_hours_by_date = merge_number_dicts( self.usage_hours_by_date, profile.get("usageHoursByDate", {}) )
[docs] def pre_ingest_row(self, row): ( stack, runnable_name, thread_name, build_date, annotations, platform, hang_ms, hang_count, ) = row thread = self.thread_table.key_to_item(thread_name) prune_stack_cache = thread["pruneStackCache"] root_stack = prune_stack_cache.key_to_item(("(root)", None, None)) root_stack[0] += hang_ms last_stack = 0 for func_name, lib_name in stack: last_stack = prune_stack_cache.key_to_index( (func_name, lib_name, last_stack) ) cache_item = prune_stack_cache.index_to_item(last_stack) cache_item[0] += hang_ms
[docs] def ingest_row(self, row): ( stack, runnable_name, thread_name, build_date, annotations, platform, hang_ms, hang_count, ) = row thread = self.thread_table.key_to_item(thread_name) stack_table = thread["stackTable"] annotations_table = thread["annotationsTable"] sample_table = thread["sampleTable"] dates = thread["dates"] prune_stack_cache = thread["pruneStackCache"] last_annotation = None for name, value in annotations: last_annotation = annotations_table.key_to_index( (last_annotation, name, value) ) last_stack = 0 last_cache_item_index = 0 for func_name, lib_name in stack: cache_item_index = prune_stack_cache.key_to_index( (func_name, lib_name, last_cache_item_index) ) cache_item = prune_stack_cache.index_to_item(cache_item_index) parent_cache_item = prune_stack_cache.index_to_item(last_cache_item_index) if ( cache_item[0] / parent_cache_item[0] > self.config["stack_acceptance_threshold"] ): last_stack = stack_table.key_to_index((func_name, lib_name, last_stack)) last_cache_item_index = cache_item_index else: # If we're below the acceptance threshold, just lump it under (other) below # its parent. last_stack = stack_table.key_to_index(("(other)", lib_name, last_stack)) break if self.config["use_minimal_sample_table"] and thread_name == "Gecko_Child": return sample_index = sample_table.key_to_index( (last_stack, runnable_name, last_annotation, platform) ) date = dates.key_to_item(build_date) if date["sampleHangCount"][sample_index] is None: date["sampleHangCount"][sample_index] = 0.0 date["sampleHangMs"][sample_index] = 0.0 date["sampleHangCount"][sample_index] += hang_count date["sampleHangMs"][sample_index] += hang_ms
[docs] def ingest(self, data, usage_hours_by_date): print("{} unfiltered samples in data".format(len(data))) data = [ x for x in data # x[6] should be hang_ms if x[6] > 0.0 ] print("{} filtered samples in data".format(len(data))) print("Preprocessing stacks for prune cache...") for row in data: self.pre_ingest_row(row) print("Processing stacks...") for row in data: self.ingest_row(row) self.usage_hours_by_date = merge_number_dicts( self.usage_hours_by_date, usage_hours_by_date )
[docs] def process_date(self, date): if self.config["use_minimal_sample_table"]: return { "date": date["date"], "sampleHangCount": date["sampleHangCount"], } return date
[docs] def process_thread(self, thread): string_array = thread["stringArray"] func_table = thread["funcTable"].struct_of_arrays() stack_table = thread["stackTable"].struct_of_arrays() annotations_table = thread["annotationsTable"].struct_of_arrays() sample_table = thread["sampleTable"].struct_of_arrays() return { "name": thread["name"], "processType": thread["processType"], "libs": thread["libs"].get_items(), "funcTable": func_table, "stackTable": stack_table, "annotationsTable": annotations_table, "sampleTable": sample_table, "stringArray": string_array.get_items(), "dates": [self.process_date(d) for d in thread["dates"].get_items()], }
[docs] def process_into_split_profile(self): return { "main_payload": { "splitFiles": { t["name"]: [k for k in t.keys() if k != "name"] for t in self.thread_table.get_items() }, "usageHoursByDate": self.usage_hours_by_date, "uuid": self.config["uuid"], "isSplit": True, }, "file_data": [ [ (t["name"] + "_" + k, v) for k, v in self.process_thread(t).iteritems() if k != "name" ] for t in self.thread_table.get_items() ], }
[docs] def process_into_profile(self): print("Processing into final format...") if self.config["split_threads_in_out_file"]: return [ { "name": t["name"], "threads": [self.process_thread(t)], "usageHoursByDate": self.usage_hours_by_date, "uuid": self.config["uuid"], } for t in self.thread_table.get_items() ] return { "threads": [self.process_thread(t) for t in self.thread_table.get_items()], "usageHoursByDate": self.usage_hours_by_date, "uuid": self.config["uuid"], }
[docs]def deep_merge(original, overrides): original_copy = original.copy() for k, v in overrides.iteritems(): if ( isinstance(v, dict) and k in original_copy and isinstance(original_copy[k], dict) ): original_copy[k] = deep_merge(original_copy[k], v) else: original_copy[k] = v return original_copy
[docs]def shallow_merge(original, overrides): original_copy = original.copy() for k, v in overrides.iteritems(): original_copy[k] = v return original_copy
[docs]def time_code(name, callback): print("{}...".format(name)) start = time.time() result = callback() end = time.time() delta = end - start print("{} took {}ms to complete".format(name, int(round(delta * 1000)))) debug_print_rdd_count(result) return result
[docs]def get_prop(val, prop): if val is None: return None for key in prop.split("/"): val = val[key] if val is None: return None return val
[docs]def get_ping_properties(ping, properties): result = {} for prop in properties: result[prop] = get_prop(ping, prop) return result
[docs]def properties_are_not_none(ping, properties): for prop in properties: if ping[prop] is None: return False return True
[docs]def get_data(sc, sql_context, config, date, end_date=None): sql_context.sql("set spark.sql.shuffle.partitions={}".format(sc.defaultParallelism)) if end_date is None: end_date = date submission_start_str = date - timedelta(days=5) submission_end_str = end_date + timedelta(days=5) date_str = date.strftime("%Y%m%d") end_date_str = end_date.strftime("%Y%m%d") pings_df = ("bigquery") .option("table", "moz-fx-data-shared-prod.telemetry_stable.bhr_v4") .load() .where( "submission_timestamp>=to_date('%s') and submission_timestamp<=to_date('%s')" % (submission_start_str, submission_end_str) ) .where("normalized_channel='nightly'") .sample(config["sample_size"]) ) if config["exclude_modules"]: properties = [ "environment/system/os/name", "environment/system/os/version", "application/architecture", "application/build_id", "payload/hangs", "payload/time_since_last_ping", ] else: properties = [ "environment/system/os/name", "environment/system/os/version", "application/architecture", "application/build_id", "payload/modules", "payload/hangs", "payload/time_since_last_ping", ] print("%d results total" % pings_df.rdd.count()) mapped = p: get_ping_properties(p, properties)).filter( lambda p: properties_are_not_none(p, properties) ) try: result = mapped.filter( lambda p: p["application/build_id"][:8] >= date_str and p["application/build_id"][:8] <= end_date_str ) print("%d results after first filter" % result.count()) return result except ValueError: return None
[docs]def ping_is_valid(ping): if not isinstance(ping["environment/system/os/version"], str): return False if not isinstance(ping["environment/system/os/name"], str): return False if not isinstance(ping["application/build_id"], str): return False if not isinstance(ping["payload/time_since_last_ping"], int): return False return True
[docs]def module_to_string(module): if module is None: return None return module[0] + "\\" + str(module[1])
[docs]def string_to_module(string_module): if string_module is None: return None split_module = string_module.split("\\") if len(split_module) != 2: raise Exception("Module strings had an extra \\") return (split_module[0], None if split_module[1] == "None" else split_module[1])
[docs]def process_frame(frame, modules): if isinstance(frame, list): module_index, offset = frame if module_index is None or module_index < 0 or module_index >= len(modules): return (None, offset) debug_name, breakpad_id = modules[module_index] return ((debug_name, breakpad_id), offset) else: return (("pseudo", None), frame)
[docs]def filter_hang(hang, config): return ( hang["thread"] == config["thread_filter"] and len(hang["stack"]) > 0 and len(hang["stack"]) < 300 )
[docs]def process_hang(hang): result = hang.asDict() result["stack"] = json.loads(hang["stack"]) return result
[docs]def process_hangs(ping, config): build_date = ping["application/build_id"][:8] # "YYYYMMDD" : 8 characters platform = "{}".format(ping["environment/system/os/name"]) modules = ping["payload/modules"] hangs = [process_hang(h) for h in ping["payload/hangs"]] if hangs is None: return [] pre_result = [ ( [ process_frame(frame, modules) for frame in h["stack"] if not isinstance(frame, list) or len(frame) == 2 ], h["duration"], h["thread"], "", h["process"], h["annotations"], build_date, platform, ) for h in hangs if filter_hang(h, config) ] result = [] for ( stack, duration, thread, runnable_name, process, annotations, build_date, platform, ) in pre_result: result.append( ( stack, duration, thread, runnable_name, process, annotations, build_date, platform, ) ) if "PaintWhileInterruptingJS" in annotations: result.append( ( stack, duration, "Gecko_Child_ForcePaint", runnable_name, process, annotations, build_date, platform, ) ) return result
[docs]def get_all_hangs(pings, config): return pings.flatMap(lambda ping: process_hangs(ping, config))
[docs]def map_to_frame_info(hang): memory_map = hang["hang"]["nativeStack"]["memoryMap"] stack = hang["hang"]["nativeStack"]["stacks"][0] return [ (tuple(memory_map[module_index]), (offset,)) if module_index != -1 else (None, (offset,)) for module_index, offset in stack ]
[docs]def get_frames_by_module(hangs): return ( hangs.flatMap(lambda hang: hang[0]) # turn into an RDD of frames .map(lambda frame: (frame[0], (frame[1],))) .distinct() .reduceByKey(lambda a, b: a + b) )
[docs]def symbolicate_stacks(stack, processed_modules): symbol_map = {k: v for k, v in processed_modules} symbolicated = [] for module, offset in stack: if module is not None: debug_name = module[0] processed = symbol_map.get((tuple(module), offset), None) if processed is not None and processed[0] is not None: symbolicated.append(processed) else: symbolicated.append((UNSYMBOLICATED, debug_name)) else: symbolicated.append((UNSYMBOLICATED, "unknown")) return symbolicated
[docs]def tupleize_annotation_list(d): return tuple((k, v) for k, v in sorted(d, key=lambda x: x[0]))
[docs]def map_to_hang_data(hang, config): ( stack, duration, thread, runnable_name, process, annotations, build_date, platform, ) = hang result = [] if duration < config["hang_lower_bound"]: return result if duration >= config["hang_upper_bound"]: return result key = ( tuple((a, b) for a, b in stack), runnable_name, thread, build_date, tupleize_annotation_list(annotations), platform, ) result.append((key, (float(duration), 1.0))) return result
[docs]def merge_hang_data(a, b): return ( a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1], )
[docs]def process_hang_key(key, processed_modules): stack = key[0] symbolicated = symbolicate_stacks(stack, processed_modules) return (symbolicated,) + tuple(key[1:])
[docs]def process_hang_value(key, val, usage_hours_by_date): stack, runnable_name, thread, build_date, annotations, platform = key return ( val[0] / usage_hours_by_date[build_date], val[1] / usage_hours_by_date[build_date], )
[docs]def get_frames_with_hang_id(hang_tuple): hang_id, hang = hang_tuple stack = hang[0] return [(frame, hang_id) for frame in stack]
[docs]def get_symbolication_mapping_by_hang_id(joined): unsymbolicated, (hang_id, symbolicated) = joined return (hang_id, {unsymbolicated: symbolicated})
[docs]def symbolicate_hang_with_mapping(joined): hang, symbol_map = joined return process_hang_key(hang, symbol_map)
[docs]def symbolicate_hang_keys(hangs, processed_modules): hangs_by_id = hangs.zipWithUniqueId().map(lambda x: (x[1], x[0])) hang_ids_by_frame = hangs_by_id.flatMap(get_frames_with_hang_id) # NOTE: this is the logic that we replaced with Dataframes # symbolication_maps_by_hang_id = (hang_ids_by_frame.leftOuterJoin(processed_modules) # .map(get_symbolication_mapping_by_hang_id) # .reduceByKey(shallow_merge)) # return hangs_by_id.join(symbolication_maps_by_hang_id).map(symbolicate_hang_with_mapping) def get_hang_id_by_frame_row(hang_id_by_frame): frame, hang_id = hang_id_by_frame return Row(module_to_string(frame[0]), frame[1], hang_id) hibf_cols = ["module", "offset", "hang_id"] hibf_df = def get_processed_modules_row(processed_module): (module, offset), (symbol, module_name) = processed_module return Row(module_to_string(module), offset, symbol, module_name) pm_cols = ["module", "offset", "symbol", "module_name"] pm_df = smbhid_df = hibf_df.join(pm_df, on=["module", "offset"], how="left_outer") debug_print_rdd_count(smbhid_df.rdd) symbol_mapping_array = array("module", "offset", "symbol", "module_name") symbol_mappings_df = ("hang_id", symbol_mapping_array.alias("symbol_mapping")) .groupBy("hang_id") .agg(collect_list("symbol_mapping").alias("symbol_mappings")) ) debug_print_rdd_count(symbol_mappings_df.rdd) def get_hang_by_id_row(hang_by_id): hang_id, hang = hang_by_id return Row(hang_id, json.dumps(hang, ensure_ascii=False)) hbi_cols = ["hang_id", "hang_json"] hbi_df = result_df = hbi_df.join(symbol_mappings_df, on=["hang_id"]) debug_print_rdd_count(result_df.rdd) def get_result_obj_from_row(row): # creates a tuple of (unsymbolicated, symbolicated) for each item in row.symbol_mappings mappings = tuple( ((string_to_module(mapping[0]), mapping[1]), (mapping[2], mapping[3])) for mapping in row.symbol_mappings ) hang = json.loads(row.hang_json) return hang, mappings result = debug_print_rdd_count(result) return
[docs]def get_grouped_sums_and_counts(hangs, usage_hours_by_date, config): reduced = ( hangs.flatMap(lambda hang: map_to_hang_data(hang, config)) .reduceByKey(merge_hang_data) .collect() ) items = [(k, process_hang_value(k, v, usage_hours_by_date)) for k, v in reduced] return [k + v for k, v in items if k is not None]
[docs]def get_usage_hours(ping): build_date = ping["application/build_id"][:8] # "YYYYMMDD" : 8 characters usage_hours = float(ping["payload/time_since_last_ping"]) / 3600000.0 return (build_date, usage_hours)
[docs]def merge_usage_hours(a, b): return a + b
[docs]def get_usage_hours_by_date(pings): return
[docs]def make_sym_map(data): public_symbols = {} func_symbols = {} for line in data.splitlines(): line = line.decode("utf-8") if line.startswith("PUBLIC "): line = line.rstrip() fields = line.split(" ", 3) m_offset = 0 if fields[1] == "m": m_offset = 1 fields = line.split(" ", 4) if len(fields) < 4 + m_offset: raise ValueError("Failed to parse address - line: {}".format(line)) address = int(fields[1 + m_offset], 16) symbol = fields[3 + m_offset] public_symbols[address] = symbol[:SYMBOL_TRUNCATE_LENGTH] elif line.startswith("FUNC "): line = line.rstrip() fields = line.split(" ", 4) m_offset = 0 if fields[1] == "m": m_offset = 1 fields = line.split(" ", 5) if len(fields) == 4 + m_offset: symbol = "(no symbol)" elif len(fields) < 4 + m_offset: raise ValueError("Failed to parse address - line: {}".format(line)) else: symbol = fields[4 + m_offset] address = int(fields[1 + m_offset], 16) func_symbols[address] = symbol[:SYMBOL_TRUNCATE_LENGTH] # Prioritize PUBLIC symbols over FUNC ones sym_map = func_symbols sym_map.update(public_symbols) return sorted(sym_map), sym_map
[docs]def get_file_url(module, config): lib_name, breakpad_id = module if lib_name is None or breakpad_id is None: return None if lib_name.endswith(".pdb"): file_name = lib_name[:-4] + ".sym" else: file_name = lib_name + ".sym" try: return config["symbol_server_url"] + "/".join( [ urllib.parse.quote_plus(lib_name), urllib.parse.quote_plus(breakpad_id), urllib.parse.quote_plus(file_name), ] ) except KeyError: # urllib throws with unicode strings. TODO: investigate why # any of these values (lib_name, breakpad_id, file_name) would # have unicode strings, or if this is just bad pings. return None
[docs]def process_module(module, offsets, config): result = [] if module is None or module[0] is None: return [((module, offset), (UNSYMBOLICATED, "unknown")) for offset in offsets] if module[0] == "pseudo": return [ ((module, offset), ("" if offset is None else offset, "")) for offset in offsets ] file_url = get_file_url(module, config) module_name = module[0] if file_url: success, response = fetch_url(file_url) else: success = False if success: sorted_keys, sym_map = make_sym_map(response) for offset in offsets: try: i = bisect(sorted_keys, int(offset, 16)) key = sorted_keys[i - 1] if i else None symbol = sym_map.get(key) except UnicodeEncodeError: symbol = None except ValueError: symbol = None if symbol is not None: result.append(((module, offset), (symbol, module_name))) else: result.append(((module, offset), (UNSYMBOLICATED, module_name))) else: for offset in offsets: result.append(((module, offset), (UNSYMBOLICATED, module_name))) return result
[docs]def process_modules(frames_by_module, config): return frames_by_module.flatMap(lambda x: process_module(x[0], x[1], config))
[docs]def debug_print_rdd_count(rdd, really=False): if really: print("RDD count:{}".format(rdd.count()))
[docs]def transform_pings(_, pings, config): global DEBUG_VARS DEBUG_VARS = [] print("Transforming pings") filtered = time_code( "Filtering to valid pings", lambda: pings.filter(ping_is_valid) ) DEBUG_VARS.append(filtered.first()) hangs = time_code( "Filtering to hangs with native stacks", lambda: get_all_hangs(filtered, config) ) DEBUG_VARS.append(hangs.first()) frames_by_module = time_code( "Getting stacks by module", lambda: get_frames_by_module(hangs) ) processed_modules = time_code( "Processing modules", lambda: process_modules(frames_by_module, config) ) hangs = symbolicate_hang_keys(hangs, processed_modules) usage_hours_by_date = time_code( "Getting usage hours", lambda: get_usage_hours_by_date(filtered) ) result = time_code( "Grouping stacks", lambda: get_grouped_sums_and_counts(hangs, usage_hours_by_date, config), ) return result, usage_hours_by_date
[docs]def fetch_url(url): result = False, "" try: with contextlib.closing(urllib.request.urlopen(url)) as response: response_code = response.getcode() if response_code == 404: return False, "" if response_code != 200: result = False, "" return True, decode_response(response) except IOError: result = False, "" if not result[0]: try: with contextlib.closing(urllib.request.urlopen(url)) as response: response_code = response.getcode() if response_code == 404: return False, "" if response_code != 200: result = False, "" return True, decode_response(response) except IOError: result = False, "" return result
[docs]def decode_response(response): headers = content_encoding = headers.get("Content-Encoding", "").lower() if content_encoding in ("gzip", "x-gzip", "deflate"): with contextlib.closing(BytesIO( as data_stream: try: with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=data_stream) as f: return except EnvironmentError: return"zlib") return
[docs]def read_file(name, config): end_date = end_date_str = end_date.strftime("%Y%m%d") if config["read_files_from_network"]: s3_key = "bhr/data/hang_aggregates/" + name + ".json" url = config["analysis_output_url"] + s3_key success, response = fetch_url(url) if not success: raise Exception("Could not find file at url: " + url) return json.loads(response) else: if config["append_date"]: filename = "./output/%s-%s.json" % (name, end_date_str) else: filename = "./output/%s.json" % name with open(filename, "r") as f: return json.loads(
# Retained s3 logic for backwards compatibility only due to the AWS to GCP migration
[docs]def write_file(name, stuff, config): end_date = end_date_str = end_date.strftime("%Y%m%d") if config["append_date"]: filename = "./output/%s-%s.json" % (name, end_date_str) else: filename = "./output/%s.json" % name if not os.path.exists("./output"): os.makedirs("./output") with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf8") as json_file: json.dump(stuff, json_file, ensure_ascii=False) if config["use_s3"]: bucket = "telemetry-public-analysis-2" s3_key = "bhr/data/hang_aggregates/" + name + ".json" client = boto3.client("s3", "us-west-2") transfer = S3Transfer(client) extra_args = {"ContentType": "application/json"} transfer.upload_file(filename, bucket, s3_key, extra_args=extra_args) if config["uuid"] is not None: s3_uuid_key = ( "bhr/data/hang_aggregates/" + name + "_" + config["uuid"] + ".json" ) transfer.upload_file(filename, bucket, s3_uuid_key, extra_args=extra_args) elif config["use_gcs"]: bucket_name = "moz-fx-data-static-websit-8565-analysis-output" gcs_key = "bhr/data/hang_aggregates/" + name + ".json" extra_args = {"content_type": "application/json"} storage_client = storage.Client() bucket = storage_client.bucket(bucket_name) blob = bucket.blob(gcs_key) blob.upload_from_filename(filename, **extra_args) if config["uuid"] is not None: gcs_key = ( "bhr/data/hang_aggregates/" + name + "_" + config["uuid"] + ".json" ) storage_client = storage.Client() bucket = storage_client.bucket(bucket_name) blob = bucket.blob(gcs_key) blob.upload_from_filename(filename, **extra_args)
default_config = { "start_date": - timedelta(days=9), "end_date": - timedelta(days=1), "use_s3": True, "use_gcs": False, "sample_size": 0.50, "symbol_server_url": "", "hang_profile_in_filename": "hang_profile_128_16000", "hang_profile_out_filename": None, "print_debug_info": False, "hang_lower_bound": 128, "hang_upper_bound": 16000, "stack_acceptance_threshold": 0.0, "hang_outlier_threshold": 512, "append_date": False, "channel": "nightly", "analysis_output_url": "", "read_files_from_network": False, "split_threads_in_out_file": False, "use_minimal_sample_table": False, "post_sample_size": 1.0, "exclude_modules": False, "uuid": uuid.uuid4().hex, "thread_filter": "Gecko", }
[docs]def etl_job_daily(sc, sql_context, config=None): final_config = {} final_config.update(default_config) if config is not None: final_config.update(config) if final_config["hang_profile_out_filename"] is None: final_config["hang_profile_out_filename"] = final_config[ "hang_profile_in_filename" ] iterations = (final_config["end_date"] - final_config["start_date"]).days + 1 job_start = time.time() current_date = None transformed = None usage_hours = None for x in range(iterations): iteration_start = time.time() current_date = final_config["start_date"] + timedelta(days=x) date_str = current_date.strftime("%Y%m%d") data = time_code( "Getting data", lambda: get_data(sc, sql_context, final_config, current_date), ) if data is None: print("No data") continue transformed, usage_hours = transform_pings(sc, data, final_config) profile_processor = ProfileProcessor(final_config) profile_processor.ingest(transformed, usage_hours) profile = profile_processor.process_into_profile() filepath = "%s_%s" % (final_config["hang_profile_out_filename"], date_str) print("writing file %s" % filepath) write_file(filepath, profile, final_config) filepath = "%s_current" % final_config["hang_profile_out_filename"] print("writing file %s" % filepath) write_file(filepath, profile, final_config) gc.collect() print_progress(job_start, iterations, x, iteration_start, date_str)
@click.command() @click.option("--date", type=datetime.fromisoformat, required=True) @click.option( "--sample-size", type=float, default=0.5, help="Proportion of pings to use (1.0 is 100%)", ) @click.option("--use_gcs", is_flag=True, default=False) @click.option( "--thread-filter", default="Gecko", help="Specifies which thread we are processing hangs from", ) @click.option("--output-tag", default="main", help="Tags the output filename") def start_job(date, sample_size, use_gcs, thread_filter, output_tag): print(f"Running for {date}") print(f"Using sample size {sample_size}") etl_job_daily( sc, spark, { "start_date": date - timedelta(days=4), "end_date": date - timedelta(days=4), "hang_profile_in_filename": "hangs_" + output_tag, "hang_profile_out_filename": "hangs_" + output_tag, "thread_filter": thread_filter, "hang_lower_bound": 128, "hang_upper_bound": 65536, "sample_size": sample_size, "use_gcs": use_gcs, "use_s3": not use_gcs, }, ) if __name__ == "__main__": start_job()