Source code for mozetl.clientsdaily.rollup

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
import click
from mozetl.utils import extract_submission_window_for_activity_day
from mozetl.utils import format_spark_path


[docs]def load_main_summary(spark, input_bucket, input_prefix): main_summary_path = format_spark_path(input_bucket, input_prefix) return"mergeSchema", "true").parquet(main_summary_path)
[docs]def extract_search_counts(frame): """ :frame DataFrame conforming to main_summary's schema. :return one row for each row in frame, replacing the nullable array-of-structs column "search_counts" with seven columns "search_count_{access_point}_sum": one for each valid SEARCH_ACCESS_POINT, plus one named "all" which is always a sum of the other six. All seven columns default to 0 and will be 0 if search_counts was NULL. Note that the Mozilla term of art "search access point", referring to GUI elements, is named "source" in main_summary. This routine is hairy because it generates a lot of SQL and Spark pseudo-SQL; see inline comments. TODO: Replace (JOIN with WHERE NULL) with fillna() to an array literal. Maybe use a PIVOT. """ two_columns ="document_id").alias("did"), "search_counts") # First, each row becomes N rows, N == len(search_counts) exploded = "did", F.explode("search_counts").alias("search_struct") ) # Remove any rows where the values are corrupt exploded = exploded.where("search_struct.count > -1").where( "search_struct.source in %s" % str(tuple(SEARCH_ACCESS_POINTS)) ) # This in clause looks like: # "search_struct.source in ( # 'abouthome', 'contextmenu', 'newtab', 'searchbar', 'system', 'urlbar' # )" # Now we have clean search_count structs. Next block: # For each of the form Row(engine=u'engine', source=SAP, count=n): # SELECT # n as search_count_all, # n as search_count_SAP, (one of the 6 above, such as 'newtab') # 0 as search_count_OTHER1 # ... # 0 as search_count_OTHER5 if_template = "IF(search_struct.source = '{}', search_struct.count, 0)" if_expressions = [ F.expr(if_template.format(sap)).alias(SEARCH_ACCESS_COLUMN_TEMPLATE.format(sap)) for sap in SEARCH_ACCESS_POINTS ] unpacked = "did", F.expr("search_struct.count").alias("search_count_atom"), *if_expressions ) # Collapse the exploded search_counts rows into a single output row. grouping_dict = dict([(c, "sum") for c in SEARCH_ACCESS_COLUMNS]) grouping_dict["search_count_atom"] = "sum" grouped = unpacked.groupBy("did").agg(grouping_dict) extracted = "did", F.col("sum(search_count_atom)").alias("search_count_all"), *[F.col("sum({})".format(c)).alias(c) for c in SEARCH_ACCESS_COLUMNS], ) # Create a homologous output row for each input row # where search_counts is NULL. nulls = ("did") .where("search_counts is NULL") .select( "did", F.lit(0).alias("search_count_all"), *[F.lit(0).alias(c) for c in SEARCH_ACCESS_COLUMNS], ) ) intermediate = extracted.unionAll(nulls) result = frame.join(intermediate, frame.document_id == intermediate.did) return result
[docs]def to_profile_day_aggregates(frame_with_extracts): from .fields import MAIN_SUMMARY_FIELD_AGGREGATORS if "activity_date" not in frame_with_extracts.columns: from .fields import ACTIVITY_DATE_COLUMN with_activity_date ="*", ACTIVITY_DATE_COLUMN) else: with_activity_date = frame_with_extracts if "geo_subdivision1" not in with_activity_date.columns: from .fields import NULL_STRING_COLUMN with_activity_date = with_activity_date.withColumn( "geo_subdivision1", NULL_STRING_COLUMN ) if "geo_subdivision2" not in with_activity_date.columns: from .fields import NULL_STRING_COLUMN with_activity_date = with_activity_date.withColumn( "geo_subdivision2", NULL_STRING_COLUMN ) grouped = with_activity_date.groupby("client_id", "activity_date") return grouped.agg(*MAIN_SUMMARY_FIELD_AGGREGATORS)
[docs]def write_one_activity_day(results, date, output_prefix, partition_count): output_path = "{}/activity_date_s3={}".format( output_prefix, date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") ) to_write = results.coalesce(partition_count) to_write.write.parquet(output_path, mode="overwrite") to_write.unpersist()
[docs]def get_partition_count_for_writing(is_sampled): """ Return a reasonable partition count. using_sample_id: boolean One day is O(140MB) if filtering down to a single sample_id, but O(14GB) if not. Google reports 256MB < partition size < 1GB as ideal. """ if is_sampled: return 1 return 25
@click.command() @click.option("--date", default=None, help="Start date to run on") @click.option( "--input-bucket", default="telemetry-parquet", help="Bucket of the input dataset" ) @click.option( "--input-prefix", default="main_summary/v4", help="Prefix of the input dataset" ) @click.option( "--output-bucket", default="net-mozaws-prod-us-west-2-pipeline-analysis", help="Bucket of the output dataset", ) @click.option( "--output-prefix", default="/clients_daily", help="Prefix of the output dataset" ) @click.option("--output-version", default=5, help="Version of the output dataset") @click.option("--sample-id", default=None, help="Sample_id to restrict results to") @click.option( "--lag-days", default=10, help="Number of days to allow for submission latency" ) def main( date, input_bucket, input_prefix, output_bucket, output_prefix, output_version, sample_id, lag_days, ): """ Aggregate by (client_id, day) for a given day. Note that the target day will actually be `lag-days` days before the supplied date. In other words, if you pass in 2017-01-20 and set `lag-days` to 5, the aggregation will be processed for day 2017-01-15 (the resulting data will cover submission dates including the activity day itself plus 5 days of lag for a total of 6 days). """ spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("clients_daily").getOrCreate() # Per , # don't write _SUCCESS files, which interfere w/ReDash discovery spark.conf.set("mapreduce.fileoutputcommitter.marksuccessfuljobs", "false") main_summary = load_main_summary(spark, input_bucket, input_prefix) day_frame, start_date = extract_submission_window_for_activity_day( main_summary, date, lag_days ) if sample_id: day_frame = day_frame.where("sample_id = '{}'".format(sample_id)) with_searches = extract_search_counts(day_frame) results = to_profile_day_aggregates(with_searches) partition_count = get_partition_count_for_writing(bool(sample_id)) output_base_path = "{}/v{}/".format( format_spark_path(output_bucket, output_prefix), output_version ) write_one_activity_day(results, start_date, output_base_path, partition_count) if __name__ == "__main__": main()