Source code for mozetl.landfill.sampler

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Landfill Sampler

Take a stratified sample of documents sent to ingestion from the
raw data store used for platform backfill.

v1 - Initial schema used for edge-validator integration
v2 - Addition of document version as a partition value
v3 - Retain whitelisted metadata fields and simplify schema

import click
import json
from moztelemetry.dataset import Dataset
from pyspark.sql import Window, SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, row_number
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType, StructField, StringType

# whitelist for fields to keep from the ingestion metadata

# offsets into the URI specification where namespace is index 0


[docs]def extract(sc, submission_date, sample=0.01): landfill = ( Dataset.from_source("landfill") .where(submissionDate=submission_date) .records(sc, sample=sample) ) return landfill
def _detect_telemetry_version(content_string): """Detect document version from the payload itself. Should match with the logic here: If the given content string is not parseable as JSON, default to a version of "0". """ if content_string is None: return UNPARSEABLE_TELEMETRY_VERSION try: content = json.loads(content_string) except ValueError: return UNPARSEABLE_TELEMETRY_VERSION if "ver" in content: return str(content["ver"]) if "version" in content: return str(content["version"]) if "deviceinfo" in content: return "3" if "v" in content: return str(content["v"]) return "1" def _process(message): """Process the URI specification from the tagged metadata Telemetry URI Specification: /submit/<namespace>/<doc_id>/<doc_type>/<app_name>/<app_version>/<app_channel>/<app_build_id> Generic Ingestion URI Specification: /submit/<namespace>/<doc_type>/<doc_version>/<doc_id> """ meta = {k: v for k, v in list(message["meta"].items()) if k in META_WHITELIST} # Parse the uri, start by setting the path relative to `/submit` # Some paths do not adhere to the spec, so append empty values to avoid index errors. path = meta["uri"].split("/")[2:] + [None, None, None, None] namespace = path[0] content = message.get("content") if namespace == "telemetry": doc_type = path[TELEMETRY_DOC_TYPE] doc_version = _detect_telemetry_version(content) doc_id = path[TELEMETRY_DOC_ID] else: doc_type = path[GENERIC_DOC_TYPE] doc_version = path[GENERIC_DOC_VER] doc_id = path[GENERIC_DOC_ID] return namespace, doc_type, doc_version, doc_id, meta, content
[docs]def transform(landfill, n_documents=1000): meta_schema = StructType( [StructField(k, StringType(), True) for k in META_WHITELIST] ) schema = StructType( [ StructField("namespace", StringType(), False), StructField("doc_type", StringType(), False), StructField("doc_version", StringType(), True), StructField("doc_id", StringType(), True), StructField("meta", meta_schema, False), StructField("content", StringType(), False), ] ) documents = ( .filter(lambda x: x[0] and x[1] and x[-2] and x[-1]) .toDF(schema) ) window_spec = Window.partitionBy("namespace", "doc_type", "doc_version").orderBy( "doc_id" ) df = ( documents.fillna("0", "doc_version") .withColumn("row_id", row_number().over(window_spec)) .where(col("row_id") <= n_documents) .drop("row_id") ) return df
[docs]def save(submission_date, bucket, prefix, df): path = "s3://{}/{}/{}/submission_date_s3={}".format( bucket, prefix, "v3", submission_date ) ( df.write.partitionBy("namespace", "doc_type", "doc_version").json( path, mode="overwrite" ) )
@click.command("sample-landfill") @click.option( "--bucket", type=str, default="net-mozaws-prod-us-west-2-pipeline-analysis" ) @click.option("--prefix", type=str, default="amiyaguchi/sanitized-landfill-sample") @click.option("--submission-date", type=str, required=True) @click.option("--sample", type=float, default=0.01) def main(bucket, prefix, submission_date, sample): """Sample documents from landfill.""" spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate() rdd = extract(spark.sparkContext, submission_date, sample=sample) df = transform(rdd) save(submission_date, bucket, prefix, df)