Source code for mozetl.taar.taar_utils
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import contextlib
import hashlib
import json
import logging
import os.path
import shutil
import tempfile
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
AMO_DUMP_BUCKET = "telemetry-parquet"
AMO_DUMP_KEY = "telemetry-ml/addon_recommender/addons_database.json"
AMO_WHITELIST_KEY = "telemetry-ml/addon_recommender/whitelist_addons_database.json"
AMO_CURATED_WHITELIST_KEY = "telemetry-ml/addon_recommender/only_guids_top_200.json"
def selfdestructing_path(dirname):
yield dirname
[docs]def read_from_s3(s3_dest_file_name, s3_prefix, bucket):
Read JSON from an S3 bucket and return the decoded JSON blob
full_s3_name = "{}{}".format(s3_prefix, s3_dest_file_name)
conn = boto3.resource("s3", region_name="us-west-2")
stored_data = json.loads(
conn.Object(bucket, full_s3_name).get()["Body"].read().decode("utf-8")
return stored_data
[docs]def write_to_s3(source_file_name, s3_dest_file_name, s3_prefix, bucket):
"""Store the new json file containing current top addons per locale to S3.
:param source_file_name: The name of the local source file.
:param s3_dest_file_name: The name of the destination file on S3.
:param s3_prefix: The S3 prefix in the bucket.
:param bucket: The S3 bucket.
client = boto3.client("s3", "us-west-2")
transfer = boto3.s3.transfer.S3Transfer(client)
# Update the state in the analysis bucket.
key_path = s3_prefix + s3_dest_file_name
transfer.upload_file(source_file_name, bucket, key_path)
[docs]def store_json_to_s3(json_data, base_filename, date, prefix, bucket):
"""Saves the JSON data to a local file and then uploads it to S3.
Two copies of the file will get uploaded: one with as "<base_filename>.json"
and the other as "<base_filename><YYYYMMDD>.json" for backup purposes.
:param json_data: A string with the JSON content to write.
:param base_filename: A string with the base name of the file to use for saving
locally and uploading to S3.
:param date: A date string in the "YYYYMMDD" format.
:param prefix: The S3 prefix.
:param bucket: The S3 bucket name.
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
with selfdestructing_path(tempdir):
JSON_FILENAME = "{}.json".format(base_filename)
FULL_FILENAME = os.path.join(tempdir, JSON_FILENAME)
with open(FULL_FILENAME, "w+") as json_file:
archived_file_copy = "{}{}.json".format(base_filename, date)
# Store a copy of the current JSON with datestamp.
write_to_s3(FULL_FILENAME, archived_file_copy, prefix, bucket)
write_to_s3(FULL_FILENAME, JSON_FILENAME, prefix, bucket)
[docs]def load_amo_external_whitelist():
"""Download and parse the AMO add-on whitelist.
:raises RuntimeError: the AMO whitelist file cannot be downloaded or contains
no valid add-ons.
final_whitelist = []
amo_dump = {}
# Load the most current AMO dump JSON resource.
s3 = boto3.client("s3")
s3_contents = s3.get_object(Bucket=AMO_DUMP_BUCKET, Key=AMO_WHITELIST_KEY)
amo_dump = json.loads(s3_contents["Body"].read().decode("utf-8"))
except ClientError:
"Failed to download from S3",
extra={"bucket": AMO_DUMP_BUCKET, "key": AMO_DUMP_KEY},
# If the load fails, we will have an empty whitelist, this may be problematic.
for key, value in list(amo_dump.items()):
addon_files = value.get("current_version", {}).get("files", {})
# If any of the addon files are web_extensions compatible, it can be recommended.
if any([f.get("is_webextension", False) for f in addon_files]):
if len(final_whitelist) == 0:
raise RuntimeError("Empty AMO whitelist detected")
return final_whitelist
[docs]def load_amo_curated_whitelist():
Return the curated whitelist of addon GUIDs
whitelist = read_from_s3(
return list(whitelist)
[docs]def hash_telemetry_id(telemetry_id):
This hashing function is a reference implementation based on :
return hashlib.sha256(telemetry_id.encode("utf8")).hexdigest()