2o YouthLACIGF | Internet Governance in Latam.
Initiative Tech speakers program
Category Evangelism Product
URL https://youthlacigf.com/ingles.html
Hashtag #youthlacigf
Description The YouthLACIGF is an initiative born from the growing community of Latin American youth interested in issues related to the Internet. Given the active role that the youth have started taking, this new space is created with multi-sectoral characteristics, as a forum for debate of new ideas and perspectives to encourage the creation of lines of discussion that will be taken to other Local LATAM forums.
We as Mozillians and Mozilla Ecuador volunteers plan to go at least 2 or 3 of us from our local community to Conduct a Workshop with YouthLacigf assistants regarding the following subjects:
- Internet Governance.
- Internet access for rural areas.
- Data collection practices
- Ethical internet use.
2 attending, including...