
Category Apps, Code Contributions, Developer Documentation, Developer Tools, Diversity and Inclusion, Engineering Program Management, Evangelism Product, Firefox OS, Labs, User Support (SUMO), Web Development


Hashtag #AbreCL

Description This event aims specifically in the reuse of public data, this competition is called ABRECL, visualization and hackathon. Organized by Consejo de la Transparencia is an autonomous public body with legal personality and its own, created by the Law on Transparency of Public Service and Access to Information Administration. And co-organized with SEGPRES "Ministerio Secretaría General de la Presidencia", Government of Chile.

Venue Av. Providencia 229 , Providencia, Chile.

City Providencia


Country or Region Chile

What is it?

A meeting between citizens and the state that promotes both The availability of public data and reuse. It is this innovative and collaborative manner.

What do we look?

That public information is accessible, understandable, useful and usable by the public to the satisfaction of their needs, being recognized a role in co-creating applications and solutions that are generated.

Community Mozilla Chile Booth in a Conference of two days mentoring developers.


Proximity to the target. Support for innovation. Strengthening the brand Firefox OS. Educate and inspire developers to work on HTML5 apps and submit them to the Firefox Marketplace.