Anti BÜPF Demonstration Switzerland

MAY 2014

Category Privacy


Hashtag #StopBuepf

Description the Swiss Government wants to increase the surveillance of every Swiss citizen and tourist. The new proposal for the federal law for communication and post surveillance suggests to increase duration of the general communication metadata collection to 12 month, instead of the 6 month we have now. Further they want to have the possibility to inject software to everyone's computer to "make lawful investigations" more successful.

Venue Bundesplatz Ber

City Berne

Country or Region Switzerland

The government mostly tries to increase the fear of terror activities in Switzerland. Therefore Swiss citizen's privacy will be undermined.

This massive intrusion intro people's privacy is not justified. Since there is no data to justify this action, a lot of political parties decided to have a demonstration against this proposal. But this is not only backed by politcal parties, but also by regional organizations which to some extend share Mozilla's Mission (like the "Digitale Gesellschaft").

The Swiss "digital natives" don't support surveillance. Therefore there will be a demonstration in front of the federal government building to reflect the anger. Among all those participating political parties and other organizations, there is a common believe that everyone should be free and there should be no surveillance.