Aviary.pl bi-annual meeting


URL http://wiki.aviary.pl/Spotkanie:2013-04-05

Description Polish community bi-annual meeting. Estimated attendance ~18 people.

Venue "TBD"

City Kraków

Area Europe

Country or Region Poland

After FF OS Day in Warsaw we've been in touch with a few volunteers that are passionate about FF OS and we invited them to our meeting - ideally they'd become aides and evangelists for the project. We'd also like for someone from Mozilla that's FF OS oriented to join us and help us work on a plan for the project, since Poland is one of the first markets for it and it's uber-important.

With more and more non-localization projects and our team being a lot localization-focused we need to spend some time doing 'community reboot' the German way (http://bit.ly/XmEumn) and come up with similar strategy.