Barcamp Mandalay


Hashtag #barcampmandalay

Description Barcamp Mandalay is an annual camp where most of the local IT, Literary, Computer, Engineer Fields Professional speak about their technologies.I will be back to Mandalay for BarcampMandalay2013 and I am going to make a session about new borned FirefoxOS.Now I am learning and testing myself to make a good presentation and speechflow.You can contact me @thanyawzinmin.

Venue Shwe Phyu Plaza | Second Floor

City Mandalay

Area Mandalay

Country or Region Myanmar

Take any bite to Shwe Phyu Plaza which is located at 78 street and between 32 street and 33 street.

And you will see boards and vinly where you should roll into the event. And find me as thanyawzinmin not my real name Tin Aung Linn. I will be Mozilla Asia Camp 2011 T-shirt.

Many Voices One Mozilla