Bigas2 Hack
Category People, Public Relations, Recruiting, User Engagement, WebFWD
Description The Bigas2 Hack brings together developers from around the Philippines to inspire innovations that help improve the livelihoods of rice farmers. This hackathon is unique because it is driven by IRRI's mission to reduce poverty and hunger, improve the health of rice farmers and consumers, and ensure that rice production is environmentally sustainable.
August 31, 2013 (Saturday)
0730-0800 Bus leaves Makati to shuttle participants for free to IRRI. The pick-up point is at Makati City.
0930 Registration @ IRRI
1000 Workshop on Amazon Web Service AMI Platform, Windows Azure and Google cloud services
1200 Lunch
1300 Welcome and talks by sponsors
1430 Hackathon overview and mechanics
1500 Hackathon begins
1900 Dinner and more hacking
September 1, 2013 (Sunday) 0800 Breakfast served
0800 Hack on
1130 Presentation of apps
1300 Lunch/deliberation
1400 Awarding
1430 Closing remarks
1500 Departure from IRRI