Brainstorming Café Firefox OS #1

MAR 2015

Category Firefox OS, Public Relations, User Engagement


Hashtag #FirefoxOStorming #CafeFirefoxOS

Description First event to discuss about Firefox OS. The aim is to make people feel concerned about privacy, net neutrality, security and user experiences. Plus make them feel actors and not only user. Their will be a main problematic discussed in different groups around 3 activities. At the end we hope to get more people involved in our communication team and Mozilla Firefox OS projects, or at least make people talk on social media, blogs and with their friends.

Venue 16 Bis Boulevard Montmartre

City Paris

Area Paris 75008

Country or Region France

As it's the first event of this kind, we don't really know what to expects with metrics. The first event gonna be co-worked with a Community Managers Meetup in Paris to reach social media actors. But we might get few other students or people.

The collaborative doc is still completed, but it will explain different topics, people that I want to target, and activities for each event. As I hope to plane more.

5 attending, including...