Campus Party Ecuador 2014


Category Apps, Business Development, Campus, Firefox OS, Marketing, People, Public Relations, Recruiting


Hashtag #CPQuito2014

Description We plan to attend participate and invite people to join Mozilla at the biggest technological event in Ecuador. We have been invited also to contribute with some conferences and workshops at the event. We want to work hard in order to leave a nice impression as Mozillians and Mozilla Ecuador during the campus days. The conferences we will be offering are the following 1 per day See below..

Venue Mitad del Mundo - Cemexpo

City Quito

Area Pichincha

Country or Region Ecuador


  1. Community Building como lo hace Mozilla (Community building how Mozilla does it.)

  2. Proyecto IOT Fire por Mozilla Ecuador. (This project is working on the development of new Firefox OS apps that will enable the user to Operate home and office related accessories and devices like, room lights, TV, opening doors, etc)

  3. Proyecto MozEdu - Cómo y por qué los usarios mas pequenos de la web nos necesitan ahora! (MozEdu is a Mozilla-Hispano project that enable volunteers to visit Schools and High Schools in order to educate children about web security and safety practices.)

The first day we will join the Campus activities and the last day we will Have a General, in Campus, Mozilla Ecuador community meeting where we will be inviting new volunteers to join us. :)

  • It is very important for us to assist and participate in the Campus Party event Ecuador, this because we are a fast growing community and attending this type of events will certainly consolidate our internal bonds while enabling us to offer our presence as a Mozilla community helping us also to interact similar organizations, institutions and communities but also at the same time empowering us to reach connections and people that could help the community in future events and projects.

7 attending, including...