Campus Party Recife 2014


Category Campus, Code Contributions, Creative, Evangelism Product, Firefox Mobile, Firefox OS, Localization, People, Recruiting, User Engagement, Web Development


Hashtag #cprecife3

Description Campus Party Recife is the local version of Campus Party Brasil that happens in the northern region of Brazil. Its smaller than its nation wide sibling but it still attracts thousands of attendees. As other Campus Party events, its segmented into multiple thematic tracks focusing on development, free open source software, robotics, gaming, social networks, astronomy and more.

Venue Centro de Convenções de Pernambuco (Recife/PE)

City Recife


Country or Region Brazil

This event is important because its the largest event to happen in the year in the north region of Brazil. It attracts all people that interest us from entrepeneurs to activists to common people.

7 attending, including...