Capitole du Libre 2015
Initiative Tech speakers program
Category People
Hashtag #cdl2015
Description This event is replaced by "bazar du libre" because Capitole du libre has been cancelled due to terrorist threats and state of emergency in France. The "Capitole du Libre" is an event at Toulouse in France about free software. This event is free and open for everyone. We'll manage a booth on Saturday/Sunday to give out swag, make some Firefox OS demo, answer questions, etc.
Talks about Mozilla:
“Firefox OS, the open mobile OS” by Genma.
“Mozilla or the virtuous participation cycle” by Théo Chevalier and Mathieu Goessens
“The Mozilla infrstructure” by Ludovic Hirlimann.
“Rust, the programming language” by Leo Testard
“PGP / GNUPG key signing” with Ludovic Hirlimann.
“Rust introduction” with Leo Testard and Axel Viala.