Chaos Communication Congress 2015


Initiative Other

Category Community support / participation


Hashtag MozillaDe

Description The Chaos Communication Congress is an annual conference organized by the Chaos Computer Club since 1984. The congress features a variety of lectures and workshops on Open Source software, technical and political issues related to Security, Cryptography, and online Freedom of Speech. With more than 10,000 participants it is considered one of the largest event of this kind. Organizational work is done by volunteers called Chaos Angels.

Venue CCH Congress Center Hamburg, Am Dammtor / Marseiller Strasse, 20355 Hamburg

City Hamburg

Area Hamburg

Country or Region Germany

a. What are we trying to achieve there (and how)
Goals: Grow community, promote Mozilla goals and products and reach at least 500 developers by:
setting up a Mozilla Assembly with tables, FxOS TV and banners
talking to attendees about what Mozilla could and should be doing in IoT. Make a list of ideas and add it to the wiki
making a number of workshops and introduce at least 200 developers to Mozilla applications and projects
organizing one meetup of the Hamburg Mozilla meetup group with 40 people and getting at least 10 new people to sign up
hosting a number of self-organized sessions of Mozillians with at least 200 people
signing up 10 people to become Mozillians
* reaching out through social media and getting at least 10 people to tweet about the Assembly

b. What is our plan for after the event. This will include, among other things, how we engage with the connections we make there.
engage in Mozilla Meetup group in Hamburg and schedule the next meetup
engage in Mozilla Meetup group in Berlin and schedule the next meetup
getting 50 more people on Mozilla Berlin mailing list
set date for policy weekend at 32C3 and get organization team going
Write a report together with core organizers about the event, with special emphasis of where Mozilla fits now and could fit with this scene and audience.
Write a blog entry about event with photos

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