Congreso Universitario Móvil telcel 2012



Hashtag #CUMTelcel

Description It's an unprecedented event meeting between the leaders of mobile technology, developers and academics to interact, attract talent and generate great ideas. Last year more than 6000 students attended the conference.

Venue Facultad de Ingeniería de la UNAM.

City Coyoacan

Area Mexico City

Country or Region Mexico

Mozilla Presence

ReMo's Odin Mojica & Luis Sanchez will held a Mozilla Booth and give a talk "Mozilla and the mobile industry" about Firefox OS and Mozilla vision.

Mozilla Booth

Booth will be open the day of the talk: To held a QA with attendees after the talk. Meet and greet potential contributors. Discuss about Mozilla current/future proyects.

The Talk

Focused on showing off the interoperability between devices.
HTML5 + CSS3 + Javascript = Standards
Introduce Firefox OS.
Let them know how to contribute in FFOS.
Developer oriented.