
Category Evangelism Product, Firefox OS, Marketing, Mozilla Leadership Network, Recruiting, User Engagement


Hashtag #coscup2013

Description COSCUP is the largest annual FLOSS conference organized by local communities in Taiwan. The conference has sessions for new users, enthusiastic promoters, coders or anyone who is interested in cutting-edge FLOSS technologies. The goal is to create a friendly and informative environment for people from different communities to make friends, learn new technologies and inspire each other.

Venue Taipei International Convention Center, TICC 台北國際會議中心

City Taipei City

Area Taipei

Country or Region Taiwan

MozTW community and Mozilla Taiwan office will set up a community booth and a sponsor booth during the 2-day.

We will demonstrate Firefox OS, Firefox and Marketplace on booth, and welcome everyone to join us.

6 attending, including...