
Initiative Other

Category Mozilla Leadership Network


Hashtag coscup2015

Description COSCUP is the largest annual FLOSS conference organized by local communities in Taiwan. The conference has sessions for new users, enthusiastic promoters, coders or anyone who is interested in cutting-edge FLOSS technologies. The goal is to create a friendly and informative environment for people from different communities to make friends, learn new technologies and inspire each other. A few Mozillians are the staff of the conference, include :bobchao, :shadowcrow, :orinx, etc.

Venue International Conference Hall, Academia Sinica

City Taipei City

Area Taipei City

Country or Region Taiwan

Possible Events:

Webmaker Workshop (confirmed.)

Irvin will lead a Webmaker workshop at COSCUP 2015, the details are TBD.


Community Booth

Talks on Mozilla-related topics

  • As far as we know, a lot of Mozillians in Taiwan submit presentation proposals on Mozilla topics
  • The final programee will be released on 6/13.

5 attending, including...