Data Privacy - Mo' Data Mo' Problems
Initiative Other
Category Advocacy and policy
Description Given the vast amount of data generated and thereby collected on the Internet today, Internet privacy is a major area of concern. Through this, we want to educate the masses about impending dangers and fall-outs when data privacy is on the line. The meetup is hosted and managed by Cliqz GmbH and Mozilla. []
We thereby invite all of you to join us for an evening of thrilling talks about internet privacy. Right after there will be lots of time for many beers, pizza and networking. We look forward to seeing you there!
Register - RSVP 'YES' on Meetup Page
Live Stream:
18:30 Say Hello - Meet and Greet
19:00 A welcome from your hosts Michel (Cliqz) and Ankit (Mozilla)
19:05 Marc Al-Hames - CEO, Cliqz GmbH (Talk - "Unsafe at any speed")
19:30 Konark - Software Engineer, Cliqz GmbH (Talk - "Data: Frankenstein's Monster")
20:00 Sam - Software Engineer, Cliqz GmbH (Talk - "The online data grab: Online Tracking and how to stop it")