Dia Mozilla en la UNEFA
Initiative Tech speakers program
Category Mozilla Leadership Network
URL https://eventos.mozilla-hispano.org/41/dia-mozilla...
Hashtag diamozillaunefa
Description The main objective of Mozilla's Day is to bring together contributors and users to deliver a series of lectures on the Mozilla projects and general topics of the web, Just as an activity to develop tools webmaker.
- Webmaker
- Firefox OS
- Firefox Desktop
- Firefox for Android
- Developer Tools
After Lunch:
The attendees split into groups to create brainstorming
Create a case study as a theme for the website
Create board ideas to shape the content and structure of the page
Draw and color a sketch of the product development
Create a learner on dynamic HTML tags
Create dynamic to learn about using CSS selectors
Learning about the attributes used in CSS and values
Do more remixes on the platform
Share developments with other groups
3 attending, including...
Gonzalez Johan
Mozilla's presence organizer
Carlos El Halabi
Mozillian attendee
Arturo Martinez
Rep attendee