Dive Into Rust

JUN 2018

Initiative MozActivate - Dive into Rust

Category Evangelism Product

Description I will be participating at a Civic Innovation Lab during the week of May 27th to June 2nd in Merida, Mexico. While in the city I will share some time with local tech communities so I will be giving a talk about Mozilla Open Leaders and give an introduction to Rust.

Venue Workcenter Mexico

City Mérida

Area Yucatán

Country or Region Mexico

Why Rust?

Description: Rust is a systems programming language that runs blazingly fast, prevents segfaults, and guarantees thread safety.

Duration: 1 hour

Mozilla Open Leaders: Learning to develop open projects (Talk)

Description: Mozilla Open Leaders is a 14-week online program where participants receive training and mentorship on how to develop open projects. As participant of the round 4 I will share my experience through the program and invite attendees to apply for next round

Duration: 1 hour

1 attending, including...