EBE 2012 (Evento Blog España)


URL http://eventoblog.com/

Hashtag #EBE12

Description EBE is the biggest event for bloggers in Spain. Every year web professionals and web-lovers join to share their experiences and knowledge. Is more than a networking event, is where the Internet speaks spanish. This year 3.000 people are expected to attend the event.

Venue Hotel Barcelo

City Seville

Area Seville

Country or Region Spain

We had confirmed two slots. One talk with Mitchell Baker And a workshop with Guillermo López (Remo Mentor):

Post event links: El Mundo: That exciting chaos (positive)

" The highlight of the day was the intervention of Mitchell Baker, president of Mozilla Foundation, who explained the future lines that the Foundation plans, as the development of mobile web applications, so Firefox OS aims to become soon a strong competitor for Android and Apple. Baker explained that Mozilla has to be more than a web browser in the new era of Internet and the new idea with which they work is what she called the 'APP model'".

Abc: EBE'12 concludes after gathering 2.000 people and delivering 75 sessions on "social web" (positive)

"As 'front line' speakers, EBE'12 has received reference figures in social web worldwide as the responsible for Social Networking of the Olympic Commitee for the Olympic Games in London, Alexandre Huot, or the president of the Mozilla Foundation, Mitchell Baker".

20 minutos: Mitchell Baker: "The goal of Mozilla is that users are safe" (positive)

"Mitchell, president of Mozilla Foundation, has been interviewed during EBE'12 in Seville. When she was asked about the main stronghold of Mozilla, she answered clearly that is the experience it offers, how it adapts to the needs of users, its flexibility and the control given with initiatives as 'Do not Track'. Also, Mitchell assured that Mozilla is developing Persona protocol, which allows user to decide how he is identified in the Web. Regarding if people would have to pay for Firefox in the future, she answered not forthrighting".

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