Falling Walls Labs and Conference 2014


Category Campus, Developer Documentation, Evangelism Product, Localization, Metrics, People, Public Relations, Quality Assurance, User Engagement, User Support (SUMO)

URL http://www.falling-walls.com/lab

Hashtag #FallingWalls2014

Description The Falling Walls Lab is a new challenging, inspiring and interdisciplinary format for young bright minds. It offers the opportunity to excellent young academics and professionals to present their outstanding ideas, research projects and initiatives. As recipient of the A.T. Kearney Scholarship, I will be able to attend this prestigious event, I will deliver a three minute presentation titled "Breaking the Walls of Building Effective Communities" inspired by my experience with Mozilla!

Venue Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Academy, Tiergartenstrasse 35

City Berlin

Area Berlin

Country or Region Germany

Information about the Presentation:

The presentation shares the story of the volunteer contributions in the Mozilla Project and calling for action for the world to contribute towards Mozilla. It will also help individuals and organizations build their own communities effectively, by sharing how communities within Mozilla work and how our passionate volunteers help shape and protect the web we all love!

Information about the Falling Walls Conference: Unique Access to Breakthrough Research

The Falling Walls Conference is an annual global gathering of forward thinking individuals from 75 countries organized by the Falling Walls Foundation. Each year, 20 of the world’s leading scientists are invited to Berlin to present their current breakthrough research. The aim of the conference is to: connect science with the innovation industry, politics, media and culture identify trends, opportunities and solutions for global challenges make research understandable to a broad audience inspire people to break down the walls that we face today.