Femug RJ 3

JUN 2016

Initiative Tech speakers program

Category Evangelism Product

URL https://www.facebook.com/femugrj/photos/pb.7313430...

Hashtag #femug #femugrj #riojs

Description Femug is a Brazil wide type of event that brings front-end developers together and has no defined format. It is quite like an unconference type of event. Femugs are small, many Brazilian capitals have monthly Femug meetings. Femug stands for Front-End Meetup User Group. Atteendees are encouraged to give lightning talks and everyone discuss the topic after the talks.

Venue Amora Labs

City Rio de Janeiro

Area Rio De Janeiro

Country or Region Brazil

I hosted this event at my own company Amora Labs. There was no budget request as I paid for everything on my own.

1 attending, including...