Firefox Flicks Uganda


Category Creative, Graphics, Marketing, Public Relations

Hashtag #FirefoxFlicksUG

Description We are going to hold over 7 events which will have an opening event,closing event, tour to 5 film schools and small booths to showcase flicks,engage creative and media professionals into shooting and submitting a Flick about Mobilizing the web.We will reach out to these film schools and tell them about the Annual International Firefox Flicks competition, the rules, judges, how to join, post and compete, guide them and provide them with links to the main Mozilla Flicks Team.

Venue Hive Colab

City Kampala

Area Central

Country or Region Uganda

The process of getting people to submit flicks, we will also utilize this opportunity to bring in as many new community members and contributors. We will do this through sharing with them about Mozilla, its mission and vision and educating them on how they can contribute towards the community.

In the opening event, we will showcase flicks of the previous competitions, hold talk sessions about Mozilla and Firefox flicks 2013 and then hold tech session (barcamp format) where guys who have been creating movies and animations can share some of there skills, experiences and best practices. While in the closing event we will give prizes to those who submitted videos and also the best submissions during the season. As part of the campaign, we will pin up lots of posters to ensure maximum awareness for the Firefox Flicks 2013!!!

6 attending, including...