Firefox Nightly Testing Workshop By MozPacers

AUG 2017

Initiative MozActivate

Category Firefox

Hashtag #mozpacers #mozilla #mozactivate #nightly

Description MozPacers are going to organize a testing workshop on Firefox Nightly browser.One of software quality Testing expert (Ripple Gupta) will visit us and teach about manual and automated testing. He will also show is live examples.This will be 3-4 hours deep dive testing training. Attendees can engage themselves by Installing, Finding and filing issues early in the cycle means by the time Firefox gets to release.

Venue Spring House Co-Working Qutub

City new delhi

Area new delhi

Country or Region India

Attendees can also focus on below areas.

  1. To know what is wrong and be able to fix it.

  2. To enhance efficiency and user experience and thereby, business.

  3. To be informed of any possible pitfalls

  4. The rendition or appearance of the page in different browsers- is it the same, is it different, if one is better than the other, etc.

5.The functionality and the working of it.