Firefox OS App Days - Cebu

AUG 2013

Category Apps, Campus, Code Contributions, Developer Tools, Firefox Mobile, Marketing, People

Hashtag #MozillaPH #FirefoxOS #AppDaysCEBU

Description If you're a web developer (or a student developer), you’ll be right at home coding apps in HTML5, JavaScript and CSS for the Firefox OS. We’ll help you with everything else, including how to access mobile Web APIs and how to use the Firefox OS Simulator in your desktop browser to view and test your mobile apps.

Venue TBA

City Cebu City


Country or Region Philippines

This App Day is not a competition; it's an opportunity to start creating mobile apps for Firefox Marketplace and the coming Firefox OS phone. It's also a great opportunity to demo your project for an audience of peers, as well tech leaders and innovators.

7 attending, including...