Firefox OS HackFest Dhaka '15

FEB 2015

Category Code Contributions, Developer Tools, Firefox OS, Localization, Recruiting

Hashtag #FxOSHackDhaka

Description Introduction and hands-on workshop on hacking Firefox OS, modifying the user interface (Gaia), porting and building for devices for Mozillians and the local developer / modding community. This workday will enable attendees to successfully make modifications to Firefox OS, port, build and install it on devices, contribute to the project through coding / localization / testing etc.

Venue hubdhaka

City Dhaka

Area Dhaka

Country or Region Bangladesh

Introduction to Firefox OS - Basic Stuff

Gaia, Gecko and Gonk Basics && Comparison with Android (perspective of system structure)

Getting the source code and building for a target - Hands on session on obtaining B2G source code and building for a specific target device. Since 40 people would require a lot of bandwidth, we will just show the commands of syncing repo and then handover the source code via flash drives. Then the building session starts.

Basics of porting Firefox OS to a new target - Here we will take a new target device and port Firefox OS to it!

Gaia customization primer and flashing Gaia - We will be customizing some aspects of the Firefox OS UI - the keyboard, the music player, the homescreen and flash gaia back to a target device.

Forking Gaia - Here we fork Gaia (The UI of Firefox OS). Teams find inconsistencies or things that they don't like about Gaia, and tries to improve them!

Bug-A-Thon: Choose and fix a bug - We will be giving out a list of easy to fix bugs and the attendees will be given 7 days time to submit a patch to Bugzilla. First 5 patches would get a Firefox OS device, and the later ones (if they succeed) will get Firefox Tees!