Firefox OS in Guanajuato: Building your fisrt app (1st edition)


Category Apps, Campus, Code Contributions, Developer Tools, Firefox Mobile, Firefox OS, Open Badges, Recruiting, User Engagement

Hashtag #MozCafé

Description I'm going to have a workshop/hackathon with a gruop of Informatics, Engineering, Computer Science, and Mathematics students. The idea is to get them to build their first app for Firefox OS. It may be something basic (like a game) or something complex, depending on their skills.

Venue División de Ciencias Economico-Administrativas. UG. Fraccionamiento 1, Col. El Establo S/N; C.P. 36250

City Guanajuato

Area Guanajuato

Country or Region Mexico

It is important to let them know there is Firefox OS as an alternative to build applications for. Also, it is important to show them it's benefits, like WebRuntime, "code once, run everywhere", freedom in terms of distributing your aplication, etc.

== Long story short: Guanajuato is a perfect place to reach students who will eventually be involved with both use, design, develop and research of tecnology.

In particular, there is CIMAT in Guanajuato, a prestigious mathematics investigation center and there is also a Faculty of Mathematics where both Mathematics and Computer students study.

In the other hand, there is a huge community of engineering, informatics and also administrative-related students.

The principal objective of this wokshop is to get students closer to Firefox OS and other Mozilla's projects.

The ambicious objective is to get those students involved on some Mozilla's project.

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