Firefox OS Launch Camp - Colombia


Category Apps, Firefox OS, Marketing

Hashtag #FirefoxOSLaunchColombia

Description Activating and leveraging our overall community – from users to volunteer leaders – is critical to amplifying our efforts and creating user demand and excitement for Firefox OS. Collaborative working time and training (inclusive of the Engagement Team and our partners) for regional teams is crucial to ensure our efforts and resources in target markets are optimized for launch.

Venue cartagena, Colombia

City Cartagena

Area Bolivar

Country or Region Colombia

Overarching Objective Enable our partners and community with the training, education, inspiration, and collaboration opportunities necessary to become champions for Firefox OS and successfully launch in region.

Content Priorities [Inspiration] Celebrate and inspire partners, regional teams, and staff around the launch of FxOS [Training and Education] Enable attendees to be champions of FxOS by educating them on how to best leverage our channels for success [Collaboration] Align launch efforts and create understanding as to how and why it is so important for us to work together

Desired Outcomes

Inspiration Developing attendee’s understanding why Mozilla is doing this - the ability to communicate how launching Firefox OS will further our mission and why releasing it matters not only to Mozilla, but the world Attendees knowing that we can do the impossible (Why? Because we’ve done it before on a large scale and continue to do it everyday - it’s a part of our DNA as Mozillians) Comfort with and understanding of why and how we are working in a new way with new partners
Celebration of attendee’s hard work in effort in getting this phone launched

Training Knowledge of our target users and markets. Understanding of our main channels to reach these consumers (users, media, sales community/partners) and how to leverage them to create champions and drive phone distribution.
Develop the specific skills (and confidence) necessary to accomplish these tasks (and get more handsets into people’s hands)

Collaboration Rough plans in place, sync up between partners and community Partners and community having developed the motivation, and understanding of how, to work with one another. Understanding of the launch plans for partners and community, respectively (as well as the opportunity to collaborate with these individuals to build out the framework of their plans and find opportunities for collaboration)