Firefox OS Meetup Medellin

SEP 2013

Category Apps, Campus, Code Contributions, Developer Documentation, Evangelism Product, Firefox OS, Recruiting

Hashtag #MozillaMeetups

Description The Politecnico Colombiano, (a technical university) gave us an space for 4 meetups in September, October(2) and November. Each meetups in will be focused on different Topics: Firefox OS and Marketplace, Open Web and Mozilla, Web maker, Popcorn maker. The first meetup is about Firefox OS and Marketplace as opportunity for developers, students, teachers and business. The space is free, and the univeriuty will pay for drinks and snaks.

Venue Politecnico Colombiano

City Medellín

Area Antioquia

Country or Region Colombia

Sebastian Ortiz is the Mozillian who is organizing the event, he is not a Rep, so I am helping him with the budget request.