Firefox OS Workshop UPTNM Ludovico Silva
Category Apps, Campus, Developer Documentation, Developer Tools, Firefox OS, Labs, Localization, Location Services, Web Development
Hashtag #FFOSCAripito
Description In this workshop I will be giving a talk on development, integrating new partners for mozilla, application developers with local content for the platform firefoxos, disseminate new web technologies for an open web, this university still has not been given any event mozilla and there are students with good potential
I will drive 2 activities this event:
That is the mozilla foundation and how to help it grow?
Talk about Mozilla and Communites.
Building Firefox OS Apps
Frameworks availables for responsive design.
Best practices building FirefoxOS applications.
Privileges firefox os applications: the manifest.webapp.
Creating a web application using jquery mobile as framework.
Testing and install: Install firefox os simulator, install the app manager and Upload the application to a real device firefoxos and testing the application on the phone.
Market place: criteria for uploading applications to market place, applications that can be uploaded.