FirefoxOS App Days Ibague

AUG 2013

Category Apps, Code Contributions, Firefox Mobile


Hashtag #FirefoxOSAppDays

Description This event has as a goal, bringing together students, teachers and developers in one of the best universities in the city with one goal, learn how to build an application for firefoxOS and help spread the easy and comfortable which is creating applications with technologies with HTML5. This is a one day event, is give attendees all the necessary elements included Colombian cuisine, to begin their development in time. We want that many apps are created in Firefox OS market.

Venue University Ibague - COR

City Ibague

Area Tolima

Country or Region Colombia


10:00 to 10:30: Registration. Coffee, light breakfast.

10:30 to 12:00: Talks: Introduction to FirefoxOS, Web Api Simulator, examples.

12:00 to 13:00: Food + hacking

1:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: - Hacking.

17:30 to 18:30 - Demos and more food!


Engineering and IT Students, Teachers and Web developers.

About this event

This event is a community effort to achieve a solid and community initiative in the city of ibague, we want the city to be informed that there is other best technologies and more attractive for the solution of their problems, Firefox OS is release to certain closed technologies, we are spreading the event from voice to voice, on facebook and twitterWe want more than 45 people to register to the event.

Roles and Speakers

  • Jairo Ruiz - Responsible, welcome, Inscriptions. Mozillian and Mozilla Rep.

  • Miguel David Quintero - Logistic, Speaker (About Mozilla) Mozillian, Mozilla colombia community member, Mozilla Hispano and Web developer.

  • Dany Javier Bautista - Apps Support, Speaker (Firefox OS architecture) Mozilla Rep, Mozillian, Webmaker mentor, Firefox OS app developer, Web developer and Firefox OS Launching Team.

  • Giovanny Andrés Góngora - Apps support, speaker (Web API) Marketplace reviewer, Mozilla hispano, Mozilla Colombia, Firefox OS apps developer, web developer and Firefox OS Launching Team.

6 attending, including...