Flisol 2013 Ciudad Guayana
Category Apps, Developer Tools, User Engagement
URL http://flisol.org.ve/donde/ciudad-guayana/
Hashtag #flisolve
Description The aim of flisol is promoting the use of free software, publicizing the public philosophy
Mozilla Booth Booth will be open at selected times during the whole event: To held a QA with attendees after the talk. Meet and greet potential contributors. Discuss about Mozilla current/future proyects. Show them new features on Firefox. * Any Firefox OS question.
The Talk Focused on FirefoxOS Apps development. Developer oriented. Introduce Firefox OS Development Tools. Introduce Moz Marketplace for Developers. * Demo simple Apps.
Simultaneous presentations nationwide
Mozillians of the Venezuelan community will also attend other FLISoL locations on the following cities:
- Caracas
- San Cristobal
- Ciudad Guayana
- Barquisimeto