Flisol Fusagasugá 2015
Initiative Other
Category Apps
Hashtag #FlisolFusa
Description The Latin American Festival of Free Software Installation (FLISoL) is the broadcast event Free Software largest in Latin America, was born in Colombia in 2005, and is now celebrated in over 20 countries and in over 100 cities worldwide. Its main objective is to promote the use of free software, revealing publicly his philosophy, scope, progress and development.
FLISoL Fusagasugá has grown by leaps and bounds in Fusagasugá, and this year will be inproved and expanded:
We (as mozilla Reps) will have the following spaces:
a. 3 Conferences. - Miguel, Gloria and Giovanny will give a talk about a topic in the event.
b. 1 Stand - Mozilla will have a
c. Mozilla logos printed on flyers and promoted in the event campaing
Mozilla will sponsor this event.
4 attending, including...